
Androidarmv6 is a project based on bringing the latest possible Android version to ARMv6 powered devices. Most of the main developers at the time joined to create this project to share the knowledge and progress made on these types of boards.

The first supported devices were based on the Qualcomm MSM7x27 chip and later on Broadcom BCM21553 chip was included. These two chipsets represented a huge market share of the mid to low end smartphones.

The introduction of ART in Android 5.0 Lollipop made the further development of the project unbearable and thus the project died with Android 4.4 KitKat. The androidarmv6 project is now obsolete and most of the servers were shutted down.
In any case, Androidarmv6 is an open source project and therefore, all of the sources needed to compile the android version of your choice are available in the Github repository linked below:

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