Stock TW4 v2.0

My new version of Stock TW4 v2.0 has been realised and you can downlad at the section of my page Stock TW4 bieltv.3.
I think that could be probably the best rom ever based on TW4 for galaxy ace. I have realised two versions of that rom: MDPI and HDPI, but both are working in galaxy ace (MDPI phone), Thanks to Team Adreno and CoolCatGetHome for his help and Jtura.4 I can upload that incredible rom. I think that this could be the last version of my rom, or maybe I'll realise the 2.1 version in the future, but I don't know what more to do in that rom :-) 
Here's the finally changelog:
-       Based on my own
-       Completely new TW4 notification bar
-       New default wallpaper
-       100% TW4 icons
-       New TW4 widgets INCLUDED IN THE ROM:
o   Accuwheather ported to galaxy ace or MDPI phone
o   New digital TW4 clock ported to MDPI phones
o   New google search
-       Completely new app drawer (more transparent and fast) thanks to CoolCatGetHome
-       Surprise android (touching many times the version of the rom)
-       new application: notes
-       new and original keyboard from TW4
-       new lock screen
-       2 versions, HDPI & MDPI
-       Completely news menu, like TW4
-       Dark menus
-       New CWM text added.
-       FlashLight application added to notification bar thanks to TeamAdreno
-       New applictions in seetings called: StatusBarToggle Settings
-       Completely new settings.
-       SuperSU changed for Superuser
-       Completely TW4 wallpapers included in this rom
One of the next days I'm going to upload a video of that rom.
Here there are the screen shots:
Screenshoots taked from MDPI version


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