Beta 3 CM10 and OMX Libraries

Ok, here we go with some updates about my new Beta 3 that will be released this week. As it seems somethings that were working like video playing wont work, here I ll explain you why.
I ve introduced OMX libs in that release and I managed to get video recording working more or less smooth!, but I dont know if the videos recorded are smooth because the video playing isnt working. But the record is very well. Here is the changelog of the Beta 3 cm10:

  • Omx libraries introduced in first CM10
  • In consequence video playing isnt working
  • In consequrnce video recording is working!
  • In consequence the system os smoother than ever
  • Fixed battery status - thanks to wayland
  • Fixed network loxation - thanks to lagloose
  • Updated sourced
Thats a part of the changelog, stay tuned for more news

To people that don't know what OMX libraries is, read this:
OMX libraries are libraries/drivers that can make our phone working like a stock rom, as fast and with all the carachteristics. One friend of XDA has been studying about that libraries and he could simulate to make them work on CM9 (I'll make a new about that). What I've done? I adapted that libs to CM10, but the result wasn't as good as we thought, video couldn't be played, but sound can in HQ!, and I can warranty that in my last compilation video recording is working. 
These libraries is like Kind of repleace the libraries of Qualcomm that they dob't release for msm7x27 devices and that man could make it work! AWSOME WORK.

Stay tuned for more news.


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