Preparing CM10 Lite v2.0

So after my hard work on CM10 Beta 2, now I finally got the new CM10 Lite. Why is it the 2.0 version, because is it the newest version with the most changes, and inside this changes we got the CAMERA WORKING, NOVA LAUNCHER AND GOOGLE LAOCATION, here we go with the changelog:

  • Camera working (100% - photos and panorama)
  • Video recording working (but usually crashes - doesn't save the video)
  • Camera doesn't break deep sleep (no more can't connect to camera)
  • Calculator working (for some people: calculator wasn't working)
  • zRam (compcache) working
  • Heapsize is 64Mb now
  • Heapgrowthlimit is 32Mb now
  • Back to standard GPS config
  • Fixed Network location
  • Phone doesn't stay in a ended call...
  • Fixed CRT Off animation -> bieltv3 patch
  • Removed google apps (so you can choose which gapps you want to install)
  • Added motion blur (no more lag on the status bar)
  • Updated sources to 31-10-2012 - BASED On beta 2 (bieltv3)
  • NOVA LAUNCHER instead of trebuchet added by default - finally working!
Stay tuned for this update :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awesome work man, really like what you're doing. After Maclaw gave up I thought my Ace was useless, keep up the good work! One more thing, what is the difference between CM10 lite and CM10 beta?

    1. yap, i have same question too..
      what is the different for both..?

    2. In lite version, you havn't got such apps like cmwallpapers, voicedialer, livewallpapers... that people don't really use to make a lite rom, making your system a bit faster and smoother, and also you can install more apps becasue you have more freee space.

  3. It's so coooooool!!!! Thank you for you're job!!
    Progress this!

    sorry for my bad english...


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