New device

Ok, so guys, thanks for the people that donate to me, and one of my friend, I've a new device to build, Galaxy ace i also known as s5830i or cooperve, I'm the first dev to build something from source for galaxy i, I've builded CM7, which is in pre-alpha state. All of this could be possibla thanks to whitexp, who made the CM7 for galaxy y and the bases of galaxy ace i sources.

You can follow our work here:

I fyou want to know what'is wokring, and what not, please look at XDA thread to more informations and download links:

BTW, broadcomm released the HW drivers, so as it seems in last version (pre-alpha 3), HW is working on CM7! so smooth and fast (for noob - HW = HardWare)

Well now I'll ahve some exams at school, so as I said on XDA I won't work on it since next saturday (19-12), and also I won't update blog too :P

Thanks, Biel


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