Break + info

All right, here it comes my resume about what happened to my on and on cooperve development:
  • Well, I'll take a break because of exams issues, so I won't do a lot of work this week.
  • I've formated my PC, and I had to re-install all drivers, build environment and more...
  • Alpha 4 of CM7 was released by me, compiled from this new build enviroment -> all programs up-to-date
  • Hell_lock has turned to XDA cooperve development and now he is helping me and spacecaker to build our own kernel based on his sources
  • As a consequence we are working on a new kernel ;)
  • Yesterday I've finally configured github, as you can see on our broadcomcm page
So I thinks that's all about this week, stay tuned for more news ;)


  1. You are a great Developer!, believe it or not I admire you and your work, every day I follow it on XDA and on this blog.

    Thank you very much from Colombia!!!


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