Hard week

So well, I just want to say that this week my activity in XDA / android has been nearly 0 because of my exams. Yes, since thursday I'm having 2 exams each day, and I stop exams on wednesday, so I do 10 exams in 5 days and I must study...

Some on topic information: IDK I'm having a really weird error during building cm7, don't know what is happening if someone wants to help me here the error: (I'll update ASAP, I'm on my tab updating the blog ;) )

I've format my PC twice, but it doesn't help much... I's really weird...

Also, I'm thinking to replace all my icons that people know me (not grey and red which are colours that remember to me on XDA) but
the logo, the simple grey android with red wall... I'm thinking to use some personalized logo icon make with an app called androidify made by Google... If you want to send me your design and I like it will be the logo of my page and my profile picture on XDA/Github/HTCMania... If you want to send me your icon must have something related with android + red and grey colours

That's all for now stay tuned and if I have time I'll update some of my designs :)


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