Summer is here and good news to tell

Well, it has been some weeks since I did not update the blog, but I was really busy with school meetings, trips, school trip and so. Now I'm free, free to concentrate a bit on Android development. What are my plans to do now? Well I've 3 devices and I'm going to talk all of them:

UNUSUAL Vortex Color: Development was short, I have not the device anymore as my cousin need it, but Bugfree CM10 was able in just 10 days. Except video recording, everything else is working, and how smooth it is Jellybean on these tabs. I managed to release Beta 4 and Beta 3. Beta 4 contain lots of RAM and Dlavik improvements that become the tab a bit more stable, and perfect for daily usage, if not, ask my cousin what he thinks ;)

Samsung Galaxy Ace: Not too much to say. nightlies are going good, users told on XDA forums they are fast, they solve the issues between them, so if you have any issue on nightly, make sure to check out the XDA forum, or ask there your problem, they will try to solve your problem, as they are a great community. Next big development for my part of Galaxy Ace will be Android 4.3 with androidarmv6 team, I hope and that's my plan to do it.

Samsung Galaxy Ace i: Yeah, the day arrived to many of you, take a look at that picture:

Click to view bigger

Yeah, I hope you can see well, I've bought the device! With the donations you sended me they were good to buy a Galaxy Ace i. It has RIL broken, that is the reason why it was cheap, but who need RIL to develop a ROM for it? I can use testers for RIL as I did during the last 5 months. My plans is to end CM7 on it and then go to CM9. BroadcomCM is a bit stopped due to PsychoGame broke his device, but now percy-g2 will probably maintain CM7 for totoro. Also thanks to lopicl.00 and Prototype-U we are working on a common bcm21553-kernel, but that need a bit of job for our part.

My Blog: Yeah, I know, I need to update more and also finish my Download page! Sorry for all the issues will be solved as soon as possible.

Thanks, Bieltv.3


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