Time to reveal one of the surprises for CM7

So, well I think it's time to reveal one of the surprises, yeah you've read good, ONE of the surprises I've to RC1. Apart from Bluetooth, my work during these months was not Beta 4 result, due to this surprises/changes were unstable, so I preferred not to release them, they were alpha tests. This is my FIRST surprise, that will be sure included to RC1:

Video encoding / decoding has been fixed.

Yeah, look what that can do now ;)

Yeah camera is fixed, and some other things too, on the camera.  Video recording is still on test, but photos are really good. (This is my friend's tap to repair).

With this working, you can now watch videos, without any lag. HQ is still not working, but what that's okey to become a Beta to a RC.

RC 1 is more near than what you can think...
Remember on your list, We have fixed Bluetooth, now video encoding and decoding, what else do we need to get an RC? You guess...


  1. Great work Bieltv.3 keep it up !

  2. Luiz Guilherme Pereira18 July 2013 at 18:50

    You're the boss dude...

  3. Impresionante hombre!!! Sigue así :D Saludos desde Chile


  4. you rock dude !!
    and what about the glitches..are they fixed ??

  5. nice work bro

  6. Not working mobile internet (3G,Edge itp) shows icon that working bot not working ;/


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