RC3 CM7.2 S5830i is out!

So, as you may guess, the release of kernel 2.0 is followed by RC3. Here is what is new on this build:

  • Fixed not working 3g after turning off WIFI
  • Improved Camera with missing build.prop tweaks
  • Added two more camera libs, to get a better stability (libmmcamera)
  • System is faster than ever, due to EXT4 file system
  • NOTE: This ROM is only compatoble with my kernel 2.0 or up, or all the kernels that supports CM and EXT4 at the same time.
  • NOTE: Read the instructions carefully if you don't want to get you a brick from it.


You can download the ROM HERE


If you flashed EXT4 CM and want to go back to RFS, first you should go to stock again, and then follow this tutorial:

HOW TO COME BACK TO STOCK [RFS] - thanks lopicl.00
  • Restore Stock ROM with ODIN
  • When done, Boot to stock Recovery
  • Wipe Data / Factory reset, Wipe Cache partititon... (this will revert data and cache to RFS)
  • Reboot system now
  • Now you can procede to see that video! 
If you made this isntructions, or you want to flash it from any other ROM: Same as always! Same as RC2.


If you are NOT on my kernel:
  • Boot into CWM
  • Install ZIP from SD Card --> CM7 Kernel
  • Advanced --> Reboot recovery
If you are already on my kernel:
  • Boot into CWM
  • Mounts and Storage --> Format system, data, cache
  • Wipe Data / Factory reset, Wipe Cache partititon...
  • Install ZIP from SD Card --> CM7
  • Reboot system now
HOW TO COME BACK TO STOCK [RFS] - thanks lopicl.00
  • Restore Stock ROM with ODIN
  • When done, Boot to stock CWM
  • Wipe Data / Factory reset, Wipe Cache partititon... (this will revert data and cache to RFS)
  • Reboot system now


  1. Biel I cannot get any signal with my mobile network, it worked with RC2 but now with the new kernel it doesn't. My status bar says ( no service) but I still get bars. I tried installing the kernel and rom again but still the same. Please help, as this is a great rom

    1. Flash RC3 RFS version, restore to stock explained just up here, and flash RFS as normal

    2. Yeah thanks a lot my phone is working like a dream now. You were very quick to get this fixed for everybody. May I ask whether I will ever be able to have EXT4 if we have this issue?? Thanks a load for everything that you've done you are the best developer ace I has ever had. (I would still like that CRT animation but we can't have everything)

  2. +1 to the problem reported above.

    1. Huzza, it's not just me! Biel did you have this problem? I had to go back to stock as no mobile network defeats the point of having a phone.

    2. Network issues has been reported for JUST some users, Not all of them, it will be a baseband issue. try to falsh aonther one.

    3. Re flashed the rom..now the status bar says "emergency calls only" ..but the signal bars are there now..

    4. Go back to stock like the method described on how to come back to stock, and flash RFS ROM with RFS kernel

    5. the rfs verion of rc3 would not include the ext4 performance and other things..so is it worth to download rc3 [rfs]:P ..does rc3[rfs] has any advatanges over rc2 [except the "3g after turning off WIFI" bug ] ??

    6. I too want to know this. That's why I am still on RC2. What advantages does RC3 [RFS] has over RC2(except 3g and camera fixes), coz flash, crt animation, etc still not fixed. Is it worth upgrading?

  3. I dont have any signals problems only problem I have is installing google apps

  4. Thanks, but EXT4 (the major thing of RC3) give a problem with the IMEI... no/hidden IMEI!!, also reading PDF files still doesn't work with Office Suite, offline charging doesn't work, camera flash also doesn't work... I think this is more like a BETA instead of a Release Candidate #3... but appreciate your work, keep it up master Biel!

    1. CHeck it out RC3 is really stable, if you are having problems with EXT4 go back to stock, described in the methos and flash RFS, it should work

  5. Hi Biel!
    When we see a fully working CM9 for 5830i ?
    When you begin working on Cm9 for 5830i ?

  6. My friends, thanks for your work and this awesome rom, just one thing, you should change:
    HOW TO COME BACK TO STOCK [RFS] - thanks lopicl.00

    Restore Stock ROM with ODIN
    When done, Boot to stock CWM-----this should be "stock recovery"--- could be confuse

    thanks again
    keep working

  7. I dont have signal, you say that imei is hidden but i dont have any conection. i hope you fixed

    1. Easy, come back to stock following the method described, and flash RFS edition with RFS Kernel too.

  8. I fix calls and sms conection using galaxy toolbox and unlocking network conections. That doesnt fix data conection. any ideas?

  9. i flashed rfs version but still data conection is not working

    1. Are you sure? DId you followed the methos on how to go to stcok again, and then flash RFS?

    2. Yeah i did it, but dont work. I have s5830m

    3. In my case ..call,messaging works but the internet is not working..(talking about RC3 rfs version)

      Now I'm back on rc2..:p

      Biel please fix the "no service" issue on rc3 ext4 version..I really want to use an ext4 rom.

    4. Juan Galaxy Ace S5830 i/m/c have different hardware (plain have qualcomm, imc have broadcom). You have official stable release at cyanogenmod.com

    5. Ups. Sorry. Bad thing, you're right.

  10. I'm from Brazil and no problem with signal bar using Tim Sim card

    1. lucky you! Actually I don't have porblems too

  11. Gran trabajo Bieltv.3 :D, sigo tus trabajos, son muy buenos, ojala que perfecciones esta 7.2 y sigas con la CM9 :3, una pregunta funciona chainfire3D en CM7 con ext4 ?

  12. bieltv.3

    i tried to install the Google programs but nothing happen with the RC3 EXT4, is it anything that i missed?

  13. Biel, tengo el mismo problema con el 3g/2g en las 2 versiones(ext4/rfs)con una peculiaridad si conecto el wifi y vuelvo a la conexión de datos queda funcionando, pero al reiniciar el teléfono deja de funcionar hasta que vuelvo a conectar el wifi y desconectarlo, creo que pasa al revés de la RC2 xD.
    El IMEI no aparece en la versión ext4 pero puedo llamar y mandar sms sin problemas, espero puedas solucionar este bug, muchas gracias por tu gran trabajo y esfuerzo, saludos!

  14. Biel en la RC3 el 3G solo funciona con Whatsapp, pero no para todo lo demás. Este fallo lo tenías también en la RC2 pero funcionaba a ratos. Nos ha fastidiado bastante este fallo pero supongo que lo sabrás solucionar. Como consecuencia compartir 3G por módem USB o mediante WiFi tampoco funciona :( Esperamos que soluciones este fallo y sigue así Biel! :D

  15. Hello, I am from Taiwan, my English is not good, so the following is to use GOOGLE translation, grammar wrong, please forgive me.

    CM7.2 RC3 is a very good ROM, thank you for S5830I pay.
    I ask, how to modify the build.prop to make the screen flip animation on.
    I wanted to like 4.0-like animation, please tell me method.

  16. Hello, I am from Taiwan, my English is not good, so the following is to use GOOGLE translation, grammar wrong, please forgive me.

    How do I determine the phone is already EXT4

  17. Бил, ты красавчик. Спасибо за cm7. Ты крут. Ждем твоих новых работ. Ты мой герой. Russian launguage

  18. Versión de la banda base: S5830CVJLF2 (uruguay)> no funciona correctamente en ninguna de las 2 versiones (RSF/EXT4) lo escribo por acá por que no puedo en xda, saludos.

  19. Hey what's the difference between RC3 RSF and RC3 ext4

  20. I have installed RC3 ext4 and gapps don't want to display

  21. Hi
    Your work is great
    Please for the 5830 i model: ( i )
    After working on CM7.2 finished, to work on CM 10.2.
    (CM9 will not continue)
    Thank you.

  22. Hey guys! you got to install SetDNS. apk
    I've tried it on both rfs/ext4
    Mobile data is working..

    1. Thnakss!! You can download Setdns from here: http://ge.tt/api/1/files/4X8hX6U/0/blob?download


  23. my imei is missing, how to restore it??

  24. hi you are my hero !
    I try your fix for the 3g network on CyanogenMOD RC3 EXT4 : IT WORKS!

    thanks a lot for all!

  25. Biel el fix me funciono perfectamente anda 3g/wifi todo un lujo por las dudas dejo mi banda base: S5830CVJLF2, GRACIAS ÍDOLO!

  26. Al final el SetDNS lo.soluciona jeje , aver si en la RC4 se soluciona por fin el 3G :D

  27. Pessoal como que instala o EXT4 mi explica. please

  28. Not mobile data any call or sms working on CM7 RC3 EXT4, even aplying the FIX.zip, I have a GT-S5830M baseband S5830iXXMD1

  29. Hi Biel :) Is there a fix in playstore? Because it always shows could not download due to an error (492). I reflashed the rom but the same thing happens. I also done doing clear data and cache in manager applications and I wipe cache and dalvik fromm cwm. By the way good work :)

  30. are you using biel's new kernel?
    try reflash it... this often happen to me when using different kernel..
    if dont work, find and install CacheFixer.apk.. it should work..

  31. It doesn't work :((

  32. I have a problem, cm7 rfs don't have Market and i can't put my google account can some one help me please?
    Tengo un problema la rfs no me vino con market y no puedo poner mi cuenta de google no la puedo poner ni con gmail en configuraciones o en youtube alguien ayudeme porfavor.

    1. Flash Google apps through CWM

  33. why no bootsound?
    howto fix it??

  34. When you create Aosp for Galaxy Ace s5830i?

  35. Hola solo quería comentar sobre un jugar en la rc3 para que sea corregido y que al usar apoda como Google sky mapa o mapa estelar no gira la imagen bien osea que al girar el dispositivo a una direccion no gira correctamente y no mueve bien la imagen de la app

  36. En la RC3 ext4, galaxy ace M, algunos juegos o cosas por el estilo no se ven bien (por ejemplo Pou se ve con fondo blanco), tambien cuando reproduzco un video online se cierra solo, he visto que aveces la pantalla de bloqueo se queda pegada, tambien el sistema se vuelve muy lento en ocasiones sin hacer nada, eso espero que sigas perfeccionando esta cyanogen y que no pierda la compatibilidad con las aplicaciones :D, gracias por tus trabajos bieltv3


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