Galaxy Ace s5830 (msm7x27) come back to development!

As I can see, Galaxy Ace s5830 development is kind of dead. I don't know why though, but now, as I have a good PC I want to make them turn alive. My actual work on this device were CM10, CM10.1 and CM10.2. We removed CM10 as it performed worst than CM10.1. CM9 was already on its latest version by maclaw and erikcas, so we don't need more work on it. 

Although that, CyanogenMod and Androidarmv6 (my team) has stopped working on CM10.1 and CM10.2 basing from now on CM11 KitKat. I think its time to introduce the FINAL version on CM10.1 and CM10.2 as now I've a good PC that can build those ROMs in a "relative" small time. So you guys stay tuned too on my development for Cooper, Qualcomm Galaxy Ace based.

PD: Still loving it more than Broadcom based ;)

I Will not leave Broadcom phones! And I will release more CM9 versions for BCM21553 devices but please don't blame on me if I've other interests. Thank you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Fuck you biel we donate to you money and wait for so long now you will stop developing on cooperve and you will continue on coopet that have stable version .. you promise us that we have stable version when broadcom release that fucking driver .. Fuck you .. ./.

    1. Ive mever said Ill stop cooperve development didnt I?

    2. Why do I think that You haven't even donated him? I haven't donated too but it's because I'm under 18. Biel will do his "work" when he will feel he want to do it. He promised so he will do. And last question: You really like fucking, so you're talking it so many times?

  3. Esta bien que te guste trabajar en otros dispositivos, pero por dios el s5830 tiene CM9 y CM10 para uso diario creo que estan bien con eso.
    En cambio en s5830 i/m/c apenas llega a gingerbreas con CM7.
    Espero que trabajes en la CM9 Beta 3, es por eso que ya envie mi donacion

  4. Ohhh Vamos Biel, el s5830 ya tiene bastante desarrollo, y ahora que el 5830i tiene la oportunidad la desaprovechas... Continua con el s5830i por favor!

    1. No la desaprovecho, seguire desarollando para el ace i

  5. Biel tanto que esperamos los driver para el 5830 i/m/c . Por favor necesitamos que sigas con este desarrollo somos muchos.

    Muchos hemos donado para este fin.

    Que mas podemos hacer nosotros ? Decinos que mas necesitas para que sigas con este desarrollo y entre todos juntamos mas plata :)


    1. No es question de donaciones, no voy a dejar en ace i!! No lo he dicho en ningun momento

  6. STOP SPAMMING! Biel will work on what he want, if you want stable cm9 do it yourself or wait.

    1. Fuck you.. we donated money, we have every right to ask

    2. Search donations on diccionari. You dont have right of anything. Amd btw I wont stop cooperve

  7. Biel enseñame y te ayudo con la version 5830 i/m/c .

    Algo se de programación :)

    Yo te ayudo.

  8. u.u Bieltv.3 Me decepcionastes pero me pareces buen desarrollador tomate tu tiempo me comprare un moto g para esperar XD! :33
    PD: No ganan nada insultando a bieltv3 el no va a abandonar el desarrollo de cooperve

    1. Exacto. Pork decepciono? No lo entiendo u.u

  9. Give audio, Biel, please:-)

  10. so we can say that you will stop development for Coooperve ......if it is true show a solution for us because you couldnt leave us like that.... man at least complete your amazing work and after that you can leave us without any hope but i know that you will choose the right way.. biel

  11. biel you are kidding the s5830 has enough development, and now the 5830i has the opportunity to .. so that dont disappoint our hope ...and dont be sad from some users comments they wait for along time it is surely hurts them man please dont make them hate you

    1. I have both devices, and I will work for both

  12. S5360 users there is no hope for cm9 now!

  13. CM9 Beta 3 por favor :'( sigue con el desarrollo para la versión i/m/c

  14. I didn't think cm10 performed bad at all. It was actually one of my favs. IMO it kicked the shit out of cm10.1 lol but hey to each their own. Kinda bummed though as I have cooper and cooperve.

    1. LOL so u are lucky, Ill develop for both

  15. I am confused. Because maclaw "NovaFusion" has CM11 to s5830 while 5830i only you has dedicated himself. It is silly you reinvent the wheel if there is already.

    1. It is not, I started on cooper, and K left them flr cooperhe guys. I just want to give them final cm10.1 and final cm10.2 for them. Cooperve will not be abandoned

    2. Thanks for the reply. =D
      We look forward to more new stuff now that you have a better machine.

  16. continue working on cm9 for galaxy y! please!

  17. what the F*CK man! I had to wait so long for hearing this? Fuck cooper, Fuck biel, Fuck cm9

    1. Thanks dude, although I wont leave Cooperve, you still keep insulting me :) nice people

    2. thank you biel for your fast responding you are fantastic one

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Are you crazy?
    Read the first post
    Biel won't leave devlopment for cooperve so stop blaming him
    If you talk like some people in this thread he will leave development

  20. Pfff Fuck you you cant make nothing you are child you are noob bye bye i go to buy a new phone

    1. I'm a child who knows more than you on development. I'm a noob when i brought CyanogenMod 9.1 and 7.2 for this device. Have luck with your new device!

  21. Even though he is a child
    these childs have gained enough knowledge in coding and needed android languages to give you guys a 99% stable CM7.2
    they Spacecaker and bieltv.3 ported the Released broadcom sources in 1 day and made them proper in 3 days.

    so i think that they are Pro,s and know what they are doing

    kids nowadays have awesome knowledge that we old people make look astonished.

    good job guys and have fun developing :)

    1. Close enough. This guy told you everything you need :D

    2. You have got a point. Really, BroadcomCM bind a record in porting something. Btw. Bieltv.3: Maybe you'll make "like" system, to make possible to like something because there is needed repeating. You know: Hand up, hand down :)

  22. Hey Guys don't spam please..
    Biel will not leave BCM21553 development... IF YOU CONTINUE INSULTING BIEL THAT WILL LEAD TO "LEAVING".. And Biel please promise to us that u will not leave us.. And I'm the one now who's asking for forgiveness.. Please understand them..

  23. enough to insult Bill! he is doing everything possible for us! tsenete not his work? Bring down until it's too late! I side with Bill!

    1. He is trolling us we donate him for his pc (not me but im happy for dont donate him) and now he is going to develop to the other ace that have ENOUGH DEVELOPMENT and he says " I will release other versions of CM9" The people that have the S5830i will leave this phone this phone is on the shit thanks biel THANKS

    2. Thanks dude.
      PD: My name is Biel not Bill although they seem the same :)

    3. Och shit. Jaimillow Necro, you are you talking about. Only stupid things

  24. I know that you have a little time, but you can publish a fix for USB, for Broadcom device?
    You fix it, right?

    1. DUde, that will be in next release, yeah I will not forgot you! LOL...

    2. Okay.. I will wait..
      You're confusing me with someone else)

  25. biel por lo menos danos un zip con los drivers o algo porque los que no somos desarrolladores no los sabemos implantar y encima si te vas al otro ace que tiene cm10 encima tiene jelly bean y nosotros nada salvo cm7 pues yo creo que deberias sacar algo mientras la espera

    1. No se puede hacer un zip con los drivers, estan implelentados en codigo

    2. pues dinos como se implementan haz un tutorial en tu canal de youtube eso seria lo normal yo te respeto y se que te gusta mas el otro ace pero no podemos estar sin ninguna CM con los drivers porque creo que en septiembre se cumple un año de mi espera personal de tener CM con sus animaciones ademas de todo eso los que quedamos en el ace i nos vamos a ir si decides irte sin decirnos al menos como se implementan. Yo solo te digo esto para que lo reconsideres pero los usuarios de un ace i no estamos contentos con esta situacion

    3. Jaimillow gracias por tu interes, te dejo aqui un enlace donde explico como instalar-los.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Bieltv vete a la puta mierda, hemos estado casi un año esperando los drivers de los cojones para que hagas solo una beta 2 de mierda y ya quieres dejarlo o apenas en 2 o 3 meses sacar una beta?
    Que te den por culo solo te aprovechas de la gente con las donaciones!!!!
    GENTE!!!! No os habeis dado cuenta? Ha utilizado vuestro dinero para comprarse un pc y hacer una beta cada 2 o 3 meses y concentrarse mas en el S5830 que tiene jelly bean!!!

    1. exacto!!!! esa es mi intecnion! me has descubierto que grande eres. Las donaciones no llegaron a 20 euros asi k no se k dices! me he hecho millonario con las donaciones

    2. perdoname bieltv fue mi hermano el que puso esa barbaridad. Te animo a que sigas con el desarrollo del s5830i siempre que tu quieras :)

  28. Why will you work for s5830? Stable cm 9 on s5830i is our dream)

    1. I'll just update my abandoned work on s5830 WHILE I work on CM9 for s5830i too

  29. Este dispositivo nunca va a tener suerte...

  30. well, okay Biel i know that you can help with S5830 but, i think that ANY developer can build to S5830 cos it have a stable 4.0.4 but we on S5830I have just you and Space as developers... and now you can dedicate yourself better cos you have a new notebook so, just think about it, they have lots of devs, and we have just you... thank you all BroadcomCM devs.

    1. you are on the right, I'll think about it

  31. But you said "you can't develop everything for those phones" so I conclude that there are no hope to have sound and camera fix or I didn't understand ?

  32. there is a lot of developer out there for 5830. actually they even doesn't need you.

    but there is just a few people for 5830i.

    you don't have to develop or release for 5830i. in fact if you leave now nobody can blame you for this decision.

    we don't expect a cm10 or 11. just give us a stable cm 9 and hear our praises.

    1. many developers have changed to more powerful phones

  33. hello biel, I just saw that you are trying to port the audio files of the nexus s on our device and I hope you manage to fix the audio. forget those who make fun of you, I know you're a good developer and I think you manage to fix all bugs .
    Sorry for my bad english , i'm italian

  34. New Kernel based on Linux 3.0 would be nice.

    1. I though that, but I'm not a kernel expert... :P

  35. Sir Biel if u have time then plz add more frequency in your kernel for galaxy y.
    Thanks for ur effort and good luck

  36. Wellcome back Bieltv.3. I was waiting for you and your contribute for galaxy ace! As someone said previously it would be nice a new kernel based on linux 3.x. I know it's difficult to build so I'll be happy if you could improve cm10.1 and cm10.2 performance and battery duration: I would like a jellybean rom better than ics for ace! I trust you bieltv.3! I wish you the best!

    1. I'll give a try :p but erikcas couldn't and he was better than me

  37. Problems with access to internal memory can be bypassed.

  38. Hi Biel why you took 5830 he already has a stable cm10.2

    1. because, apart from s5830i, I like to develop for other devices

  39. biel release the cm 9 beta 3 i think the usb fix and a small fix on sound you said on your post ALSA BCM21553 Audio libs on xda is good enough to be a beta 3 .. and you said that the camera can be fixed using third party app .. it is true or not ? .. biel dont only focus on sound please fix some small bugs like bt force close when open .. and i cant watch video because it display well .. but anyway thank you for your effort ..

  40. dont post sentence like ''PD: Still loving it more than Broadcom
    based ;)'' you said to us that the cooperve is better than copper if broadcom release the driver .. you will receive lots of bad word from cooperve that didnt have cm9 stable ..

    1. That's not true, you can't compare a Qualcomm chipset vs a Broadcom chipset. msm7x27 even with 800 mhz get 3000-4000 points on Antutu + it is way smoother than BCM21553 based with 832 mhz, they are not optimized well

  41. Biel estoy impresionado con la cantidadde insultos que recibiste... Por parte de gente que no sabrá ni la mitad de lo que has dado y sigues dando para este proyecto, este proyecto por el que nadie se interesó, nadie daba respaldo a nuestro ace i... excepto tú que al ver esto dejaste un poco de lado el Ace qualcomm y te enfocaste más en el nuestro... nos diste una cm7 perfectamente estable y una cm9 beta 2... no te desanimes por gente malagradecida que sólo busca hacerte sentir mal, te defiendo a capa y espada, eres un ídolo total para mi y los que apreciamos tu trabajo... Muchísima suerte en el desarrollo del Ace normal y espero que el audio del i se arregle pronto... saludos biel, un abrazo fuerte desde Paraguay :)

    1. Muchas gracias Enzo, estos comentarios son los que me animan aun mas!

  42. yo soy desarrollador pero no se tanto como tu para mi eres el mejor desarrollador y eres un niño como se hara cuando seas adulto bueno yo no puedo esperar tanto me comprare nuevo telefono galaxy young 6310 gracias por las roms

  43. Gracias Bieltv eres grande y a los pedejos que se quejan diles que con sus donaciones se compren un Moto g y dejen de fregarte, pues tu no estas obligado a nada Gracias por la CM7 rc4 <3

  44. Informations about Linux 3.0 kernel:


  46. Antes de nada felicitarte por tu trabajo, acabo de ver tu video tuyo de una colaboracion con Mexico. Queria preguntarte si tienes pensado sacar CM11 para el Ace y por otro lado y perdona por la pregunta si es tonta, se podria generar la rom CM11 para el Ace uniendo los fuentes de Kitkat y las librerias propias del Ace de la version CUIDATE MUCHO 10.2?

    Gracias por adelantado


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