WIP: Set up Linux!

Well I followed most of your advices and I decided to install Ubuntu on the laptop as it will not void my warranty, and that's what I made. After posting on Lenovo forums, discussing with BroadcomCM team members and some other developers at XDA (uberlaggydarwin), I managed to boot Ubuntu 13.10 on my laptop, and make sure everything works as expected. Problem? Windows 8.1 stopped working... Why? UEFI. Apart from lots of lenovo weird partitions.

New PCs with windows 8.1 installed on it messed up alot with this new software, making a non-EFI distribution not compatible with an EFI one (Windows). After some big research and some soft-bricks on my laptop I managed to get nearly "dual-boot". How?

My BIOS has a section known as boot, which can distinguish a legacy driver than a UEFI. As simple as that, I want to boot Ubuntu? Set this to legacy, then GRUB will be loaded, and Ubuntu would boot. I want to boot Windows? Set this to UEFI and Windows will boot automaticly.

Why I'm sharing this? To inform you guys. Windows 8 has this kind of troubles developers should fight against them, and to be you informed. I didn't knew anything of that before, and I've been whole day working on it. I'll try some more re-search as soon as I can, as this manual booting its kind of ugly :/ I've learned alot from it and I hope you read that carefully!

Any progress on android development? NO.

See you soon!


  1. Hello Biel , how long will you do stable cm 9 (fix camera, audio and et.) ? .

    1. 2018 probably, or never.

    2. hahaha 2018 i'll get an galaxy s5 maybe in the next month i'll get Nokia lumia 520 ;-)

    3. said it (probably) a joke :|

    4. Y esto es lo que obtenemos cuando hacen presionar a alguien, yo no se nada de Linux y esas cosas, pero se ve que es algo bastante atareado, deben entender que es alguien con vida y sobre todo estudios, no deben presionarlo mas, seria agradable tener la CM9 estable para nuestros terminales, pero ya siendo realistas, no tiene caso que sigamos haciendole intentos a estas terminales, aun ya terminada la CM9, sabemos que realmente no cumpliria con nuestras expectativas, ya son muy antiguas y dieron lo que tenian que dar, nuestro amigo hizo lo mejor y nos demostro que aun se le puede sacar provecho, pero aun asi es mejor conseguir una nueva terminal, dejemos esto del CM9 y dejemos que el siga con sus proyectos de vida para que no se detenga con esto.

      Saludos desde Mexico, y gracias por tu trabajo y gran esfuerzo

  2. I had same issue i solved it with disabling secure boot and running a boot repair disk :) !

  3. Gracias Biel por ayudarnos y por preocuparte!!!
    Buenas vibras para ti!!!

    1. :D Siempre intento mantereros infornados

  4. Pues las cosas que microsoft tiene que hacer para ser popular :/ si no fuera porque la gente esta acostumbrada al office todos usarían alguna distro de linux xD

  5. biel wow a step ahead to our development thanks to ur efforts

  6. when is the estimated release of stable cm9 for galaxy y??

    1. No ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)! Biel says a lot of times

  7. Bill, do you want, but you can not make a dual boot?

    1. yeah.. because of UEFI system... I managed to make dual, chanign BIOS config each time :/

  8. Repara el windows 8, desde una iso, dvd, o pendrive; Descarga el EasyBCD, y cuando estes en el programa, agregas una entrada al registro, osea, añades una opcion al boot. Tienes que seleccionar el SO, y la particion/disco en que tienes linux. A mi siempre me a funcionado asi en la netbook, y en la PC de escritorio. Suerte con eso, saludos. :)

  9. insert CD/DVD windows 7 or 8 and click system recovery, click cmd(command line) and insert text: bootrec /fixboot
    bootrec /fixmbr
    then bring back windows and install wubi(windows ubuntu install) or use url:http://www.google.ru/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CEwQFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fubuntuforums.org%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D2164511&ei=Xq1CU5_lO6fD4gTH6IFo&usg=AFQjCNF442XeouZaBpS8Hq_kEDLboV9W2w&sig2=P8hJk-krDT6N6-DNtPxoRw

    Sorry for my bad English, I'm from Russian.

  10. Disappointed: (Please biel continued to improve., Please. Note: I'm sorry for bad english.

    1. if you are disappointed I don't care, I'll do what I want to do, if not make yourslef :D

  11. Microsoft allegedly fighting against rootkits by using uefi. but we all know that in fact Microsoft fighting against open source community and free developers. share your knowledge about your cracking of uefi biel. they must know that uefi is useless.

    all hail linux!

    1. haha yes! But I've not go through it yet... ATM I'm booting windows changing config on BIOS.

  12. Hello Bieltv3, I'm brazilian so I try to speak in english heheheee.
    Your laptop don't came with DVD Recovery?
    When I do the dual boot in my laptop I had to install first Linux, and after in another partition I installed the Windows 8.1.
    If you want a help, I'm here...

  13. Biel, I can send you my 2GB DDR3 RAM Module :D

    1. hmmm my memroy ram is really special... DDR3 1600mhz and 1.35 volts (DDR3L)

  14. By the way, talkin' about Ubuntu... Has anyone managed to change dah screen resolution on 13.10 from default 1024x768 to 1280x1024 or else? My XRandR gives an error:
    "Coldn't get the gamma size for default"
    It's sad :(

    1. I dunno, the default screen that came has a good defintion on mine

  15. hey biel I have Question pls Can you give answer on it :),
    come there features for Cm9.1 like: Ramzswap / higher Modded voltage 823 +/- 1000Mh frequencies / Governors / Schedulers / Init.d support / I like this Features for the ,Cm9.1?

  16. Bieltv3 Hello, Please Help Me! I try build AOSP 4.0.4, I downloaded the sources, what next?
    Sorry my bad English

    1. get my device tree, github.com/broadcomcm and follow a tutorial. AOSP it isn't the best way to start though...

  17. Bieltv.3, can you give me the list with audio libs?!?!?!?!?!!?!?

    1. It depends on system. 2.3 audio libs are way diferent than 4.0.4 audio libs. They are built as a module in hw, while on 2.3 weren't... thats why is kind of difficult...

    2. Then please hurry because I want that CyanogenMod on my phone!

  18. fuck you biel why don't you move your ass and compile the CM9? I'm a your donator from 2 years fuck

    1. Chill man, Broadcomm release Finally the Driver for 4.0.4 in This Year, Now is it Finally to craete CM9 And it take Much time, he can't fix it in a 1 day that is not possible

    2. please dont talk about biel like that if you want it do it by yourself but you cant so be patient because development take long time that he doesnt have but he try to do his best...but who can wait for along time for the drivers , can wait for a few weeks else so please show some respect for biel

  19. Come on Biel!
    Stay on the right track, make us happy by fixing audio man.
    Don't give up and make ur fans happy!
    Nice HW btw! :)

  20. you should of spoke to me about dual booting cause I mentioned before I have a dual boot windows 8.1 and osx mavericks

    Like I said before if you dont use an uefi boot loader like clover you have to set your bios to legacy mode for linux and then switch back to uefi to boot windows

    Clover has a uefi boot loader option - it takes more work but you can dual boot both on uefi - you have to create a uefi boot partition on your hard drive and load the clover boot loader onto it

    anyway it dont matter really how you boot long as you can freely switch between operation systems with no problems

    If you need anymore help just pm me on xda

    1. Hi thanks dude. I've been investigatin and my lenvoo has a boot menu button! SO I just need to press this button and it will redirect me to a kind of boot menu where I can choose boot from SSD (Ubuntu) or EFI (WIndows)

  21. А виртуально нельзя было поставить??? Зачем сносить то восьмерку?

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.


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