Sorry for delays

I'm sory to inform you this late about progess regarding development. Progress is so slow because of our closed sources devices, although that, all BroadcomCM team has been really busy. We are really busy at school with lasts exams and well, because the school year is ending, we (at least me) have to study hard to get to university... :P So I'm sorry to say that, apart from school, I'm having some troublues, private ones at the moment, and my development hasn't been too much these days. REMEMBER: We do that as our hobby, if we don't feel to do it, we will not do it, if we like (as we do) we will continiue developing. There are some users telling us bullsh** and things that we MUST do. NO we don't, we are trying to give you best expierence for one of the most difficult devices ever...

Apart from that... Some development has been made. Alberto96 created a whole new ramdisk, based on official CM. I've tested, but not yet working. Apart from that, we are preparing a huge kernel update, based on CM official commits, to get the kernel as stable as possible. Yeah... more than 1000 commits to the kernel has been made... This kernel though, if for CM but it is not yet the common kernel, remember that at the moment, common kernel is for stock ROM as it is unstable at the moment.

About CyanogenMod 9.1 next Beta, we are thinking to release it, as we are currently testing if new graphic libs are prepared to be as stable as old ones. NO audio is NOT working at the moment... We lack of working sources at the moment...

More news coming as soon as I can... Sorry about it :P

Oh thanks! We have arrived to 1 milion views on the blog! Keep going dudes


  1. No importa Bieltv3; pero continua con tu desarrollo con BroadcomCM, Gracias por el trabajo que han hecho por el momento, Felicitaciones. :D Esperamos ansiosamente cualquier noticia , actualización de CM 9.1, etc.

  2. como siempre....gracias y animo ......

  3. Good bye cm9

  4. nunca va a salir el cyanogen se hace del rogar mejor cambio de celular

    1. Cambia y no andes jodiendo por aca. Gracias a biel nuestro ace es mejor y el no tenia obligacion de eso.

  5. Mejor compren otro celular mucho esperar por una rom, yo ya cambie de celular y comparando se da uno cuenta de lo mierda del galaxy ace y los desarrolladores como bieltv3 , hay mejores desarrolladores del galaxy ace

    1. mejor callate la boca. Y si compraste otro celular no tienes q estar haciendo nada por aca. Dejanos a q si esperas a biel y agradecemos por su esfuerzo

    2. Apoyo al anónimo de acá. Mejor cuida tus comentarios porque si consideras a biel un mal desarrollador (que no lo es) entonces termina tu la cm 9 tu mismo si te crees tan superior, biel tiene una vida igual que todosy no siempre se puede dedicar al ace, acaso no tienes vida? Nunca he tenido un ace pero un amigo si y él no sabe nada de android pero está muy agradecido por el trabajo.

    3. vayanse a la mierda todos ustedes...esta bien que tenga vida..pero si esta muy ocupado que se sincere y lo deje...en fin mejor sigo con mi s5, cabro tenia que ser

    4. Vayanse a la mierda bieltv y los putos que lo defienden, oh no se puede defender solo?, hay mejores desarrolladores como sniperkiller.

    5. Vamos a ver, este tio, biel, se esta dejando la piel para que en un smartphone de minima gama (como es nuestro galaxy ace) podamos disfrutar de ICS. No estoy informafo sobre desarrollo de roms, asi qur no se como es de dificil, pero si nadie lo ha hecho aun, ¿sera por algo, no?
      Asi que si venis por este blog para andar jodiendo a alguien que hace esto por hobby, y no cono trabajo, iros a chuparla, a ver si teneis los cojones de hacer lo que hacr este tio.

  6. Se que desarrollar una rom basada en android 4.0 no es facil, pero no para tardar tanto.

  7. Yeah good bye cm9 i thought it will be stable this month. Maybe we need to wait a year again to have a stable build. So be patient and let them do what they can do.

    1. owww .. wait for one year. galaxyy and ace no time anymore (Expired)

  8. Okay as I said there is 2 years old when I bought this phone I would have no chance to have a version of android 4.+ stable on my S5830i because I will buy another phone much better in 2 months and I don't think we have CM9 stable with audio and camera in 2 months :'(

    1. Get a hold to yourself man. He will create a most stable version for our device. Just give them time to finish all their personal work and problems. Just wait an you will be surprised that there will be a stable release of cm9 or maybe a stable cm10.x or 11 someday. Just be patient dude

    2. I would be patient but I hope that progress will be made before 2 months...

    3. Camera is already fixed by the way and audio comes from one speaker!
      We're getting closer, but now these delays...

  9. BroadcomCM can do it my maan go for glory !!!

  10. Y cuando haces el port a armv6?

  11. He's doing his best for our s5830i and other phones!

    Thanks Bieltv.3!!! ;)

  12. Graças Bieltv.3! ;)

  13. El cm9 va a servir para galaxy Y ?

  14. Cyanogenmod 9 is dead as he said he is too busy with his life and school, and the phone is old you can buy newer phone with JB or KK like the same price you have bought ace-i.

  15. Hi bro. How can i fix usb mass storage on cm9.1 rom on my galaxy pocket gt s5300? Pls reply asap :D

  16. Spanish:

    Los que critican a Biel son un monton de desagradecidos porque no van y le piden a sus "Otros desarrolladores" que les hagan su CM9 ellos estan ocupados en el S4 y demas. Si no les gusta el trabajo de Biel haganlo ustedes monton de idiotas que lo critican agradezcan acaso creen que es facil compilar.

    Ellos hacen todo desde 0 los archivos de configuracion del dispositivo inclusive mejoraron cosas y estan haciendo mas. Apuesto de que los que critican a Biel no saben ni abrir una terminal o ni si quiera saben cuanto toma.

    El tiempo que toma crear todo eso es mucho. Aparte esto para Biel solo es un hobby no tiene la obligacion de hacerlo si no quiere.

    Asi que hay otro idiota por ahi que dice que se compren otro telefono y solo le digo: "Lo crees tan facil" acaso crees que todos tienen dinero para gastar posiblemente tu tengas para gastar, eso ya es decision de la gente con que telefono quieren estar no necesitas comentarlo guardate tus palabras para ti y cierra tu tonta boca.

    Biel no te ofendas por esos comentarios tu trabajo es exelente que esos que te critican hagan sus propias compilaciones de CyanogenMod 9 para sus dispositivos.

    Sigue adelante Biel, Tu trabajo es asombroso

    1. Completamente de acuerdo. Además de que dijeron "hay mejores desarrolladores para el ace" pues yo no he visto ninguno tomarse el tiempo y esfuerzo de hacer cm 9 para el 5830i m c. Biel, to te veas con la obligación de termimar rápido, tu prioridad son los estudios, no complacer la necesidad de otros de hacer una actualización a android 4, ya has hecho un tremendo trabajo

    2. Vete a la mierda mamador, compilar no es facil, pero tardarse tanto tiempo es una putada, imaginese si todos los desarrolladores fueran tan idiotas como bieltv, ningun dispositivo tendria cm11.

    3. facil que eres tu quien se lo monta verdad?


    5. Oye homosexual que hablas..aca jode que el crio este siga dando falso humo a la web..metele la lengua al ano a ver si se atornilla a la pc y a ver si te penetra el tambien..maduren pues crios

    6. Monton de idiotas los que insultan a Biel entonces porque mejor no compilan ustedes y ya haber haganle sus CyanogenMod 9 a sus dispositivos Broadcom.... Ah! se me olvidaba no pueden por eso estan aqui esperando a Biel. Aparte me rio porque posiblemente ustedes apoyaron a Biel antes y se dejan influenciar por otros idiotas y les cambian el opinion. Pronto habra la CM9 solo tengan paciencia. y el idiota que dice que se compren otro celular ¿Porque Sigue Aqui? solo para criticar o porque es un completo idiota. Y joselito roca me imagino que es algun niño que no sabe ni como abrir una terminal.

    7. Chupese la pija hijo de puta, vaya cojase a su madre, y yo desarrollo roms para galaxy tab 2 imbecil.

    8. Si desarrollas para la Tab 2 porque no haces una CM9 para estos dispositivos y estas aqui esperando a las noticias de biel

  17. The ext4 will need extremely? I ask this because it has caused me some problems on CM7 and CM9... What would happen if I don't want to flash the ext4 tool?

    1. It wouldnt boot, because bielts kernel has no support for the rfs file system (the stock fs) so you would get mount errors

  18. Biel round ace in turkey all of us as users look forward to the continued success owes you

  19. Take your time biel, but don't leave bcm21553 development....We beg it to you....You are our last hope.....

  20. Don't worry biel but is also beautiful that 3 guys are interested to develop a s**t phone

  21. When using with Link2SD Your rom(Beta 4) Crashing and My Phone Reboot

  22. What is the ext4 and what happens if i don't apply it on the CM9??

  23. gente dejemos de tratar mal a biel y a los broadcom esperemos el nuevo kernel y tendremos nustra cm 9.1 estable para el galaxy young,ace y pocket solo paciensia

  24. pinche bola de lambe bolas

  25. We reached 1m visits, because of WAITING for some NEWS!

    1. I confess ! It's too boring to wait

  26. Yeah 1m visit on this blog and waited over a year for cm9 for galaxy y s5360 and they will discontinue it? Why bieltv.3? Why psychogame? Why broadcomCM?

  27. before exams... waiting, during exams... waiting, after exams... waiting, this is more painful than GTAV for PC lol

  28. hhhhhhhh
    wait and wait and wait ^_^
    i boring about it
    Good-bye CM9.1 for s5830i
    why ???????????????????????? your very slow ??
    you Need money ????

    1. marcussmith262612 May 2014 at 11:54

      people have lives outside of doing work on android devices - this is a hobby not a job - there is no time scale - if you feel you can do better feel free to do it yourself it you want something right now

      As iv mentioned time and time again - this is a hobby - it is done for fun - comments like this take the fun away - if the fun goes so do the devs - Why should they post things when all they get is abuse - they will just do it for themselves and people like you will just have to stick to stock based roms from manufactures

  29. Guys,
    I know you are very impressed of Biels work, but he also has a life!
    You can't just force him to work if he also has lot's of things to do!
    Biel, don't listen to people who are saying you MUST.
    But still, it would be very nice to have a real cm9.1 on our devices, so I wish you good luck!
    Take your time, and soon cm9.1 will become stable..


    1. marcussmith262612 May 2014 at 11:58

      Care to explain how he is trolling

      Definition of trolling

      Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can.

      So if providing information on progress or what he is doing in his personal life is trolling then so be it

      And yes I am trolling you because you are annoying everyone else so I though id do it back to see how you feel about it

      people have lives outside of doing work on android devices - this is a hobby not a job - there is no time scale - if you feel you can do better feel free to do it yourself it you want something right now

      As iv mentioned time and time again - this is a hobby - it is done for fun - comments like this take the fun away - if the fun goes so do the devs - Why should they post things when all they get is abuse - they will just do it for themselves and people like you will just have to stick to stock based roms from manufactures

    2. sabes que...aburres imbecil...toda la vida de escudero..tal ves seas su mujer

    3. Can you stop with the spanish language!!! It explodes my brain and confused if what are you trying to say... were not all spanish here

  31. He have to study,you can't force him!
    Biel take your time and do a good work!Good luck man!

  32. Pasiencia y el que no quiera esperar que no joda che.

  33. Perhaps, an intelligent person like biel also can't do much about this s**t broadcom processor and those devices.....Thanx a lot biel for ur hard work so far, but gonna buy a new device soon which don't have a broadcom processor....

  34. Haha, idiots, he learns..

  35. As it is only in 2022 we
    will have a stable CM9

    1. wait for 2022!!! Game over for cm9.1

  36. Muchas gracias Bieltv por llegar hasta aqui es bueno darse una pausa respues de tanto trabajo espero retome pronto el desarrollo que tanto esperamos. Espero se solucionen cada uno de sus problemas y obligaciones suerte.

  37. cuando saldrá cm9 estable para el samsung galaxy ace s5830m

  38. Joselito roca is just a troll kid, he wants attention: "Hurr yo desarrollo roms para galaxy tab 2".
    Bullshit, get the fucking out. This is a blog for the S5830I, you faggot.

    Biel, you're doing a good work and you don't have the obligation to do this, cause you do just for hobbie. I don't have the S5830I, but my mom has and everyday I access your blog in search of news or releases. Brazilian users of the S5830I are waiting anxiously for this Rom. Thanks, Biel!

  39. hi .. when biel latest news for CM9 bug fixes. we expect cm9.1 stable release this month. we may not wait for next year. (expired for all)

    1. Do not expect to have something this month... And if it is always busy, we can wait until next year or more...

  40. Denle un respiro, esto debe ser agotador, y mas agotador aun debe ser soportar todos esos comentarios.
    Y bueno, aqui les dejo una sencilla solucion en 3 pasos para aquellos que perdieron la calma


    ¿Muy facil no? asi tendras un dispositivo nuevo y lo mejor de todo con la version de android que sea mas de tu agrado, y lo mejor de todos es que es oficial

    Si esos 3 pasos no llegan a ser de tu agrado te recomiendo que guardes tus comentarios, te relajes y esperes hasta nuevo aviso la version estable.

  41. Hijo dectu puta madre me ls folle biel a tu madre rica tetona y le meti el cm9 por el culo jajajaha mira mierda ya has cm9 no me importas wue tengas imbecil

  42. Biel, don't worry brother, you got lots of motherfuckers making pressure, but, the important is that you have people that realy apreciate your work, so take your time, do what you got to do, and good luck on university, great future waits for ya =)

  43. LOL, muchos putones comentan, Fuerza equipo broadcom no hagan caso a esos culiados xD

  44. Can yoy stop with the spanish language? What is this spain? Fucking spanish peiple trying to say langyage on americans visiting biels blog

    1. No, es tu problema, aprende hablar en Español igual que nosotros aprendemos a hablar Inglés en XDA.

    2. Eso que Bieltv3 es español y se molesta en escribir en inglés para vosotros

    3. Can you please stop speaking spanish. Its making me confused of what are you trying to say. Try google translate and translate your language in english and post here. It might help coz we dont speak spanish. Even if biel speak spanish doesnt mean you need to speak one too.

  45. Hey you guys know? Galaxy y discontinued

    1. marcussmith262614 May 2014 at 23:33

      And who told you that - comments like this make me laugh
      Just because you cant wait because people have exams and other things going on in their life
      This is NOT a job - This IS a hobby - It has NOT been discontinued - You ARE however annoying

    2. You too are annoying... I always see you comment to people negative comments.

      PS: Are you even a moderator?

    3. @marccusmitth, stop being such a twat.Nobody and i repeat "NOBODY" is asking for informatiom from you. So, stop acting like you're the biggest smartass over here or you own this blog. And as far as biel is concerned, people have right to criticize him (i said criticize not hate). Why ? Because people have actually donated money for his work.If he's busy with his life, stop taking donations.

    4. Vaya humores tenemos por aquí no? LOL
      Marccusmitth tiene toda la razón, y el que dice que el Galaxy Y ha sido descontinuado está desinformando a la gente, esa información es falsa!

    5. ^speak english or gtfo, butthurt ! -_-

    6. marcussmith262615 May 2014 at 10:21

      Again another Mr Anonymmous

      Like I said this is a hobby - It is not a job

      Also there was no contract - you have not paid for something in a legal sense - You have no rights

      Its the same as if giving money on Kickstarter - You make a donation to a project you like - You may get something in return you may not - there is no guarentees - anything you do or give is at your own risk

      Just because you give money does not give you the right to hassel abuse or anything else - I repeat there has been no contract made and you have no rights

      I do not own this blog nor do I work on cm9 - I do however find people like annoying who troll and I find it funny that when someone stands up to you and trolls you back you suddenly dont like it

      Its called charma - you hate on someone and someone will hate back on you - The only difference because you hide behind Anoymous and cant take someone standing up to you

    7. It's called "KARMA" -_-
      as far as my comment is's just an answer to your rude comments i've seen over the days. Nothing too personal. LOL

      And secondly..learn to stay quiet. You just accepted that you are not in anyway connected to the project and the blog too. So learn to keep your explanations upto you.We don't come here to read your idiotic replies over our comments.If biel can't reply to comments... fine ... but you ain't got no right to make fun of others too.

      Ps : Don't take it too hard afterall it's just an advice not a dick !

      Good day to you !

    8. marcussmith262615 May 2014 at 11:14

      and you dont have the right to troll people abuse people and demand things - people are fed up with reading all that from you - Im just fighting back against the trolls - And it seems you dont like it when someone fights back against you

      Nothing personal lol

    9. bwahaha !! Damn, you're funny...
      BTW trolling pricks isn't an offense..or is it ? lol
      And demanding ? i don't remember anyone demanding anything from you. You're bascially just messing around with almost everyone without any reason.
      And fighting with someone over internet ? really ? Lol... You're so damn funny..

    10. marcussmith262615 May 2014 at 13:23

      Takes two people to fight - unless you are fighting your way out of a paper bag hmmm


  46. I love America...
    America is the best...
    Did you know that I'm the #1 American Douche?

    Based on the dictator movie

  47. @marccusmith2626 is a douchebag !!!

    1. No, you and the dumb guy who say "galaxy y discontinued" are douchebags...

    2. ^And you sir , are a special kind of faggot !

    3. Wanna see galaxy y discontinued? See download section on credits

    4. Dude psychogame discontinued but Biel ports all changes to galaxy y..

  48. Delays???? No problem......
    I've waited so long and can wait a few more....
    Thanx for effort bro......

  49. marcussmith262615 May 2014 at 10:12

    Says the person hiding behind Anonymous - makes me laugh as you think you can post what you like and hide behind the fact you can remain Anonymous - but in fact you cant and you are not - if you dont understand that then you shouldnt be posting at all - in fact what you have done is liable and is an arrestable offence - have a nice day :)

    1. We all have rights here and youre not the one who created this blog. Why are you so mean to people who criticize biel? We dontcare if its punishable by law we can remain anonymous as long as we want as long as we dont troll people. You should be punished by law by insulting people having suggestions or questions you prick

    2. marcussmith262616 May 2014 at 06:26

      In fact you are not Anoymous - Your ip is recorded with each post and even if you hide behind a proxy it can be eventually be traced if someone really wanted to

      Why do you want to criticize Biel? Just because he doesnt do what you want when you want - Sounds like you are just a kid who is not getting his own way to me

      Anyway got better things to do so will not be replying to you anymore

  50. f.uck you biel

    1. @marcussmith2626 will be here with his stupid logics and explanations in 3....2.....1...

    2. marcussmith262615 May 2014 at 11:11

      Here I am - wheres my prize lol

      Funny how people spam here and not xda isnt it - hiding being Anonymous

    3. Staying anonymous is what we do to hide our identity you faggot. you dont know what we do as anonymous do you?

      We are anonymous.
      We are legion
      We do not forgive
      We do not forget
      Expect us marcussmith2626

    4. marcussmith262616 May 2014 at 06:22

      so you abuse people but cant man up and say who you are

      in the real world thats called being a coward
      Hide behind your computer and be Anonymous then if it makes you feel the big man but really we all just know its a mask to hide your insecurity in the real world

      Anyway enjoy life - I wont be responding to you anymore - Got better things to do and Iv made my point now

    5. ^Reality check time, bitch ! if what we're doing is an act cowardness you ain't better than us either. First you pick up fights with everyone , even when nobody's talking to you.

      Secondly, when you get confronted you start acting like a little kid who is telling that he will go to complain his mommy.

      And lastly, as you said you won't be replying to anon comments , do us all a favour don't reply at all on any post. We're really sick of your ranting about law and hobby and blah! blah! Blah!

  51. Biel, this isn't an ETA or anything against you.....You are doing a great work.....But, as you say, you don't have sources for the audio....So, can you fix it without the sources? I mean without sources HW wasn't fixing.....I'm totally confused about CM9's future....!

    And these bastards who hide behind anonymous and abuse...They should get lost and just stuck to the stock idiots.....

    1. HW drivers are difficult but not like audios wone(They are hard but possible whitout drivers) :p

  52. fuck you all

  53. no new news of CM9 ?

    1. Not yet but we should wait

    2. mwkldhaskdbnkjsadhb;kahdlkasndjlasgdk;sabhdkjbsdjasgdhkgsdhksd :)

  54. Hey you all who complaining his work, i sure 90% of you guys didnt give a donate to him and his team, so KEEP OUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!, YOU DIDNT PAY HIM, WHY YOU COMPLAINING AND ASKING UPDATE ? Just enjoy with their latest release, do you want a ics devices ? Dont look at samsung, go look at mediatek devices ! And i sure 98% of you all cant do a job like this, so remember to not complaining they ! Biel, i recommend you to use this rom for your private use if there is still a user complaining. Regards, galaxy ace i user.

    1. We all love his work!
      But lots of people aren't patient coz they got used to it, to read posts here everyday.
      Or wait and support Biel, or stop posting here.
      Non of you can do something like Biel did and otherwise, proof it!

  55. Yeah, you guys should post positive comments about Biel!
    If he can't continue for weeks or even months doesn't mean you can post bad things or lies, development isn't always that fast, especially if people do it as a hobby!
    Come on guys, support Biel by posting good things to motivate him..

  56. Biel and his team are the best Galaxy Ace's developers!!!

  57. so long time we wait on this blog , please make a some news

    we all know this work is so difficult but to make the situation to be better . please, make a news every week

    we doubt with your current project

    Keep it up bro !

  58. games installing on beta 5?


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