
BroadcomCM is an organization founded to bring bring stock Android Open Source Project (AOSP) Expierence to Broadcom BCM21553 powered devices and an opensource recovery image based on ClockWorkMod (CWM). Currently supported devices include:
  • Samsung Galaxy Ace (i/m)
  • Samsung Galaxy Y
  • Samsung Galaxy Mini (i/m)
Most of BCM 21553 devices shipped with Android 2.3.6 (last OEM supported firmware). Our goal is to bring newer versions of Android based on CyanogenMod and the Open sources from AOSP to these devices. Eventually we ended with a stable ROM ready for daily use (based on Android 2.3.7).

After the success of our development, a petition to Broadcom was signedby more than 6000 users in order to ask for the driver sources of BCM21554 WebGL (HGL) graphis accelerator drivers. This petition turned out positively and they released the mentioned divers for a newer version of the current developed ROM.
After adapting the new Open-Source code for the WebGL drivers to our BroadcomCM sources, we managed to bring the first BETA version of Android 4.0.4 based on CyanogenMod 9.1 to BCM21553 powered smartphones.

In the end, after the enormous succes of our development, BCM21553 got officialy supported by AndroidARMv6 organization, which the source was then merged with various legacy devices.

Samsung Galaxy Ace i
Samsung Galaxy Y
Samsung Galaxy Mini i
CyanogenMod 7.2 - 2.3.7 RC 4 RC 4 RC 4
AOSP - 2.3.7 Nightly 1 RC 2 RC 1
CyanogenMod 9.1 - 4.0.4 Beta 5 Beta 5 Beta 5
CM Specific Kernel Version 4.0 Version 4.0 Version 4.0
Temp. CWM Recovery Temp. CWM 5 Temp. CWM 5 Temp. CWM 5

BroadcomCM project was always meant to help and inspire other developers to try to do their best for their devices. All our code is found on our github repository and can be easily accessed for personal projects.

Special honors to the people that contributed in this project from the XDA-developers community:
  • Spacecaker.
  • Lopicl.00.
  • Alberto96.
  • PsychoGame.
  • Psyke83.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Please Bieltv.3 explain me how i can install cyanogenMod 9.1 in my Galaxy Y, Please i need it! If you want you can write on the reply.
    I would really appreciate it!

  3. Hola ZensZt1: yo te recomiendo instalar desde odin tu PDA, para que no tengas ningĂșn problema, luego instalas el Temperatura. CWM 5( despues haces un "wipe data/factory reset" ; "wipe cache partition" y advanced "wipe dalvik cache" luego "mounts and storage" formar/System- luego mount-system INSTALAS LA ROM CM9 BETA5 . Ya que termine , haces de nuevo ---"wipe data/factory reset" ; "wipe cache partition" y REBOOT SYSTEM Y listo saludos

  4. Hot get cm for Samsung gets 6102

  5. How to get for Samsung gts6102

  6. Link for CM7.2 RC4 on on the Ace i is dead. I already have RC3, but more things have been fixed on RC4.


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