New device and news

Well, now I want to tell you what happened over these weeks. On Galaxy Ace I "leaved" CM10.1 android development, jenkins will take my work back, so nighty builds will be released every 2-5 days.

On Galaxy Ace i I'm working hard with the WIFI error... not having device slow things alot, but I'm nearly to buy one, I jsut need a few doantions! My testers are testing my builds.

Yeah, new device out here, Unusual Vortex Color, and I created a github organisation too. Me and Blerfont two of the developers of that Tab, are building CM10 from source, we released Beta 1 today, and don't worry because Beta 2 will be soon as we fixed lots of things today. Many of the users of this page will say, WTF which is this tab, I know, it is a spanish designed tab, created in china powered with an Allwinner A8 procesor and Mali 400 graphics. But what they did was release whole source! so CM10 without bugs is possible and will be soon. Also we are planning CM10.1 for it, just wait it.

Here will be our organisation github:

I'll create a section on this page too. Foo other users stay tuned too ! ;)

Thanks, Biel


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