Big news! New laptop!

Well although this is not releated to development, I've bought a new PC, finally! I've been working hard this year with kids at soccer team, and with my saves, I've expended them on this nice laptop. The laptop is a Lenovo G510 with this specifications:
  • Processor: Intel Core i7 - 4702 MQ
  • RAM Memory: 4GB DDR3 (One slot free)
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon r7 M265
  • Hard Drive: 500 GB
  • Price: 599 Euros (820 dollar, 490 pounds, 49499 ruppies)

Although you may think that with this laptop everything will be faster, you will have to wait a bit. My old PC with all the files and configurations is disconnected at the moment, and pending of a formatting. I shall restore the backup I made, and that is a huge amount of data... Apart from that I'm asking you if you can DONATE to me, to buy the second slot of RAM to upgrade to 8 GB and then be a perfect PC for Android compiling. I can tell you that all my saves + donation money went to this PC and now I'm on 0, so I can't buy anything.

Apart from that I've to inform myself if upgrading memory RAM and changing it's OS to a Linux distribution will broke Lenovo warranty. If so, I must re-consider that and start working 2-3 months after I'm sure everything is working as expected. Apart from that Windows 8.1 need to be "hacked" to allow the installation of other OS on the machine.

Anyway, if I recieve enough donations, I'll "break" the warranty and improve my laptop a bit more. Alhtough it seems silly to increase the RAM on a PC I've just bought, the offer of this laptop was SO good that I could not pass it, even thouhg buying it with 4 GB of RAM.

As said, there is no progress, as old PC is disconnected, and I'll take this weekend to transfare all the files I need... probably more :( Apart from that, I'm the happiest person of the world! Thanks you all, there is a piece of this laptop that is yours! (Donation people)


  1. Yeah! good bought biel ;)
    when update cm9 sgy?

    1. I'll write just a copy paste from my entry:

      "As said, there is no progress, as old PC is disconnected"

      As you may guess, I don't know when.

    2. thank you for cm waited for a very long time and not much left to complete. I'd be surprised if even this week managed to do something :) (although I know it may not possible, but worth the wait) :)

  2. Congrats Biel.

  3. Si la ranura de la RAM es accesible sin abrir la laptop no creo que tengas problemas, también para lo del sistema operativo podrías hacer una imagen del disco duro y restaurarla en un futuro si llegaras a tener problemas (si es que no trae la partición de recuperación y la aplicación para hacer los DVD de restauración). FELICIDADES! Y por favor los que están pregunte y pregunte por avances en cm9 sepan que el desarrollo no es nada fácil, si fuera así todos los teléfonos tendrían kitkat ahorita.

    1. Tengo que abrir la PC para cambiar la ram y sacar una pegatina lenovo para sacar un tonrillo... asi que me huele que no... por el software no hya problema, no se pierde instalando ubunut ^^

  4. Congratulation !!
    why not just install your linux distro on external drive and keep warranty ?

    1. Never though about it, but I have not an external drive, and as said no money neither :P

  5. Wow Congratulations! :D

  6. Biel,no te era mejor una pc de torre?
    Digo por la relacion potencia precio,siempre te será,mejor.
    Esta es solo mi opinión personal.
    Tambien depende de los usos que le des aparte del desarrollo.
    Felicidades y muchas gracias por tu trabajo.

    1. Si, una PC de torre es mejor, pero neceistaré una PC potente para el año que viene (Universidad) y para trabajos potentes de bachillerato, como mi tdr, donde desarollaremos una mano biónica i simulacion en 3D, asi que me iba mejor un portátil.

  7. helal olsun biela cm9 kamooonnnnn :)

  8. ' biz o kadar fakirdik ki developer'imizin android compile edecek bilgisayarı bile yoktu'.

  9. we appreciate your works biel!

  10. Maybe you can finish the cm7 now :D

  11. Felicitaciones biel !!! super merecida esa laptop, que la disfrutes!!

  12. Felicitaciones Biel. Bien merecido :)

    Yo no he donado todavia pero cdo done plata me adueño del alt+ctrl+suprimir de la lapto :) jeje

  13. biel nice to know about ur new pc.. ... i know how it feels to get a new pc... and thnku ...hope we all get a working cm9.... very desperate... i keep flashing ur old cm9 .. cz it so nice bt unfortunately.. it still unstable.. thnx fr ur hard work

    1. yeeah... will do my best

    2. we all know u can do it.. we jst need to be patient... good luck

  14. Felicidades :P Saludos desde Misiones, Argentina :) Suerte, saludos!

  15. Bieltv.3, you can get Oracle VM Virtualbox from and install ubuntu on it.

  16. How much did it cost Biel? Please mention the currency. Btw Congrats.

    1. it costed me 599 euros, I'll update it :)

  17. Bill congratulations on the purchase, thank you that you do см9.1 I'm from Russia and very grateful to you)

  18. Biel, you put ubuntu?

    1. not yet, as I may void warranty, need to inform myself :P

    2. Are you afraid? Or protected bottles that can not remove?

  19. Core i7 is very hot! Ubuntu 14.04 is released (beta version). You can run it in virtual machine so it also have warranty.

  20. Nice :D go job, good pc, go devloping :DDDD Awesome

  21. When you think you've managed to finish the sound bug on CyanogenMod 9?

  22. Felicidades amigo, la tienes mas que merecida, suerte en tus estudios!

  23. There are a large number of followers in Turkey. Turkey loves you very much. Thank you so much for everything. Congratulations. Note: Sorry about my english bad :/

  24. lol...I have same laptop :P but graphics are a little different .. Anyway, keep up the good work .. n Congrats !! :D

  25. warranty void by OS reinstall? Thats paranoic ;) Anyway u should try to install linux at VMware 10. It seems to u can use whole machine for Virtual OS, but yeah, windows 8 is taking alot of RAM and u will need this badly... Well resize some partition and install linux with grub on boot (to keep windows on a board) should be no problem to You. Cheers and have fun!

  26. good pc
    ..hope we all get a working cm9.... thnx fr ur hard work

  27. marcussmith26264 April 2014 at 14:20

    no need to replace the opperating system - just do a dual boot with linux then you can choose to boot windows or linux
    Iv got an i7 4702MQ 8gb ram and a gefore 750M 17inch laptop and it has a windows 8.1 and a osx mavericks 10.9.2 dual boot

    1. Yeah, but resizing partitions could void waratny

    2. marcussmith26265 April 2014 at 14:47

      Nope what you do to the hard drive is up to you - warrenty will only cover you if the drive has a manufacture fault - partitioning cant void a warrenty - its your hard drive to do what ever you want with - you will only be covered if the drives fails due to a manufacturing fault - anything else like you drop it smash blow it up or have it ablitterated by a virus you would never be covered for anyway

  28. marcussmith26264 April 2014 at 14:23

    Also you will not void your warranty by changing the opperating system - why? because a warranty doesnt cover you for any form of software damage anyway - since the os is software you can change it get a virus or totally screw your os up - no matter what you do software wise your warranty will never cover you anyway
    Warranty will only cover you for hardware damage that has not been caused by accidental damage

  29. Congratulations! Think Progress have Cyanogenmod 9 in the next week or these days??

    1. nope! you have to wait 2019 for that.

  30. All progress has already GitHub. Why are you starting again bieltv.3?

  31. so any good news related to development...?

  32. Congratulations!! I hope biel will fix bugs in CM9 next day

  33. Thanks bieltv3 .. I'm waiting for the fix audio until Monday .. thanks Cm9 without bugs

  34. Passes a list of audio libs for me to try to fix the audio fix for CM9

  35. Biel, no se si aun traerá esa opción pero una vez instale en mi PC Ubuntu desde Windows como si fuera un programa normal y al reiniciar te pide con cual quieres iniciar, no modifica particiones, para desinstalarlo solo ejecutas el desinstalador desde Windows y ya.

  36. at last there is an option on ubuntu if i remember, that you can install linux as large file on windows partition. IDK what is performance of that way but should be much faster than VM box, cuz this not running windows at all. Personally i preffer method with 2 partitions, ive never tested myself "image mode". Well ive never seen be4 warranty of OS, specially that is preinstalled one and i supose u got some rescue dvd for restore system or there is some hidden partition for service (i always delete it on laptops). Make sure with everything and install linux bro ;)

    1. Thanks, I'll inform myslef as good as I can

  37. Based on cyanogenmod 9 galaxy ace I will put together a fix for the audio bug and also for video playback to galaxy pocket

  38. so after u r good news when is it for ourselves.... :P

  39. will there be any cm 7.2 development , or its latest release was rc4?

  40. You can dual boot (install )
    Ubuntu inside Windows without harming any of your HDD partitions ....
    as well as u can also uninstall it through Windows using 'Programs & Features ' in Control Panel

  41. We shall not have update after 2-3 months ?? So I can tell goodbye to have stable Cm9 on my device because I am going to change my device soon... :'(

    1. Dude, this will be less time than you think... I won't wait 2 months.

  42. We hope the stable CM9 will be released at the earliest times)

  43. hey biel,
    come there features for Cm9.1 like: Ramzswap / higher Modded voltage 823 +/- 1000Mh frequencies / Governors / Schedulers / Init.d support / I like this Features for the Cm9.1 Kernel?

  44. biel when can we expect a good news btw sry for the eta but little excited

  45. emocionado por CM9 al menos la etapa de desarrollo

  46. Bieltv.3, please give me a list with all of sound libs. I want to try to solve the audio bug because i can work. I have ubuntu! I am waiting for the list :D

    1. george manole you have a website?? you are working for cm9?

    2. yeeah... some like that :) i want the list with audio libs for galaxy y
      Bieltv.3, please! Give me the list!

  47. Hi. 4th season of game of thrones just started. There is a spoiler for everyone. There is no cm 9 for joefrey baratheon!

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  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Biel, puedes dejar un link de donde compraste ese PC? El año que viene yo también entro a la uni y me parece bastante bueno, creo que se adapta perfectamente a las características que busco, supongo que ya sabrás al estar en la misma situación xD



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