Sorry for everything

I'll probably recieve lots of insults of this post on my blog, but I don't care, because I know there is people out there who understands me. I don't know why people blame on me like this. It is like people have forget all the hours I've work on this device... Bringing first CM7 stable from 0, bringing CM9 kind of stable, start everything to force Broadcom to release their drivers... Believe it or not, all the ROMs out there on XDA, FB, G+ or more, based on CM7 / CM9 are my team base, and as a consequence part of my base. We beat CM7 from Galaxy Ace (qualcomm based) making it more stable for a Broadcom device. (I've both phones and I can tell you that).

I've realised that people moves from one interest to another, and that makes me sad. I guess, you think I am a Robot, a guy who keeps developing and developing till death! NO, no I am! I've friends, family, studies and I have development too! I started developing on Android platform because I was happy doing so, and I was shocked how Broadcom BCM21553 community thanked my job done.
CM7 for Galaxy Ace i was my first ROM! And now more than 500.000 people (joining all BCM21553 devices, including port ROMS) have part of my work on their device. That's why I don't understand why people blame on me.

This sounds to me familiar, like what happened with an actual friend, maclaw. I was waiting him to make news, and I asked ETAs for his CM9! Yeah, I was a noob too! But now I understand, I understand why he gave up. I have a simple difference between me and maclaw, I make everything possible for everyone. All my works are on github, and everyone can help us on development.

Now, go on! Insult me! Judge me for what I have done! Then, someday, you will know that back to this blog, there is a guy, who someday, improved your phone, without asking nothing for it.


  1. Dont worry bro, Keep up the good work !!

  2. "Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.
    See heaven's got a plan for you." ~SHM

  3. marcussmith262616 May 2014 at 10:31

    Well said - This is the reason why I dont build roms for public use as I cant be bothered with trolls
    Just do what you want when you want to do it - Even if it takes many years and people are moaning about wanting CM20 in the future (because once they have one CM the trolling will start for the next) you can finally say I did it

    1. Well, despite of trollers insulting biel, he doesnt mind it and continues to work on his rom for us.

      Bieltv.3 youre the best dont mind those trollers insultung you think about those people who supports you like us just continue developing and have the best ron for our broadcom devices.

      Long live broadcom!!!

  4. Great work !!! Keeping it going on :-) wish you the best !!

  5. Do whatever you want ...
    but there is some people want you to keep working on cm9
    I have build cm10 booted on samsung galaxy y but its have a lot bugs
    im trying to fix it
    ....... my advice dont stop cuz when you end this ...... then you csn say : I did it

    1. I don't like Jelly Bean on armv6 devices, it lags and it is not optimized.

    2. my point is don't stop working on cm9.... after all it's your choice

    3. my advice is when you start any work in your life end it good .... cuz when you start there is no way to go back

    4. the difference between what you say (a work) and what really is (a hobby) are really different

    5. It's like you ignored everything biel said in this and other posts. This is his hobby, He started doing it because he was happy doing so. If, for any reason, he stops being happy doing it, he will stop doing it. And having people pressure him and asking for new releases every time he posts can wear him down. I do hope that he can finish CM9 and make it stable, but he has a life too. Biel is around my age. I can understand what he must feel. This isn't his job and he's not getting paid for it. Can you imagine what it would feel like trying to help people asking nothing in return and all they tell you is you did this and that wrong? We need to give him a break.

      What you're doing is awesome, Biel. I'm not using CM9 or CM7 myself, but I am eagerly waiting a stable release of CM9. I tried Beta 3 and it's pretty gosh darn cool. I hope you find the will to keep going. And if you can't, thank you anyway :)

    6. i know how you feel beiltv , my hobby hack facebook account and hack website .but my friend i want me to hack anything they want ..... so i hate this feeling ... i konw how you feel

  6. bielt el trabajo que haz echo hasta ahora es espectacular no te eches atras por lo que otros idiotas comenten haz lo que te parezca mejor para ti sigue asi

  7. So Broadcom shit is dead :( just want to know if you leaved us or you still gonna come back one day :'(

    1. What if one of this lines:
      "You're leaving us???",
      "When ETA??",
      "Continue with CM9 please!!!",
      "So Broadcom shit is dead :("
      can annoy Biel?

  8. English: You're doing a good job. Continuing with cm9 please!!!.
    Spanish: estas haciendo un buen trabajo. Continua con cm9 por favor!!!
    giles son los que sobran ;)

  9. eres grande bielt tura sigue asi amigo

  10. You're right Biel. Leaving BCM-21553 development would be logical move, if many (l)users are treating you like this. You've done great job for this device, and, to be honest, i think i would stop development on something after experiencing so-much-$(*****)-of-users-behaviour on my skin.
    I wish you best, Biel (development, or not :)).

  11. dude, you know, i always coment something on your posts, i don't know if you like me or if you hate me but i understand you, and i can just say please: make a little video on youtube "how to fix bugs" you know what i'm talkin about? everyone knows to open logcat, but when we se E on logcat, what i do? what can i do if i found an error? how i get to him? where is the PATH ? please, from a noob, to a professional pls

    1. things like how to port device tree to a new android version why not? if you can't build kit kat, let it with us, help us to help you, today CM7 is all flooded with ports, lets flood Ace-i with KK JB ICS bug fixes all the XDA pls =)

    2. I'll think about it... not a video though :P

  12. Holy sh... Man, i'm visit your blog every day. Waiting for the news with hope in my heart... Not only me, many peoples. While we use your port of cm7, we can wake for a long time. Don't stop at half of the way. Sorry, english not native))

  13. I literaly cried reading the last few lines.... very touching.... all i can say we're all with you... dont stop.!!! BEST OF LUCK

  14. biel no agas caso a los que insultan seguro que son niñatos... yo seguire visitando el blog esperando tu maravilloso trabajo no te rindas y animos.... las prisas son malas ;) atope

  15. Man, YOU (YES!! you Bieltv.3) have brought SO SO!! MUCH for this device and i understand completely and agree with what you are saying, and i hate (HATE) people who PI** you off. For the power that you have brought to this device people should be praying to you and i believe many people do. People that are, PI***** you off are doing it because you are the hell of a lot cleverer than they are, its like a bully at school they PI** you off because they are stupid and there always going to be stupid and so they have to put Amazing people (such as yourself) down to make themselves feel like they have power and at the end of the day your going to have a good carer and there going to be stuck where they are and it feels much the same HERE, it`s not fair on you because you have put so much time in developing this device and petty little SH*** have to say crap about you, this is only because they can`t create what you can and so they do the easy-ist thing to slag you off. And of cause these little things eat away at you and you just want to give up because whats the point you are developing for people who don`t appreciate the time and effort that you put into your developing and as you said its a hobby and a hobby is something that you do every other weekend or so (you do it because you enjoy it not because you are pressured into it, thats when its classed as WORK, which its not) , its not fair that people are telling you what to do because its your project and you can do what you want. If other people could do it they would, but because they can`t they want so much from you which is just not fair, I`ve been doing mock exams for the last two weeks and i can understand how stressful it is for you, i did`nt get one day to do what i wanted to and i thought it was tough and talking to people brings you out of the isolation of the exam`s, and yet you have to see everyday when you get home is just "your not doing enough for us" which is totally inaccurate and unfair for you (and it pushes you deeper into isolation). One day i hope to be as big as where you have got in the world of android developing and i hope i can understand everything to the extent you can.
    Sorry for the long comment but i just want to get across how unfair people are being towards Bieltv.3 he puts so much time into this and the only reward that he gets for it is CRAP comments from people who have no idea about how much goes into it, its just people smaller than he is, if you think you can do better, please do it yourself and after spending years learning and you have developed your first rom and then have loads of people tell you, you are CRAP, would upset you WOULD`NT IT!! spending so much time to hear that, WHAT`S THE POINT!!!. (and that`s where Bieltv.3 IS!!!!) not funny is it!!!
    & STICK UP FOR BIELTV.3 or we will loose the only chance we`ve got and a great developer at that, keep up the good work Bieltv.3 and i hope this post makes a difference all the best for your Exams and your backed up from me what ever path you choose from hear

    Thank you

    1. you made my day. Thanks, from the deepest part of my heart.

  16. In resumen you leave the project? Pls No :( I am very excited about this project
    Go on Biel , You CAN!!! The community is the best against the corporation!!

  17. Biel, you have done so much awesome things for our phones. We all thank you so much!
    Secondly, we all are very excited about the future of cm9.1 for our devices.
    Some people are so excited and really can't wait and became unstable.
    That should be the reason of the bad comments.
    Other people are more patient and will support you to the end.

    Biel, you are doing very well and we wish you good luck in the development and in your real life.
    'One day you'll have succes and the best rom for galaxy y will be stable!'

    Don't care what others say Biel, be strong enough to avoid those people and do the things YOU want!

    Thanks for everything you gave us and good luck with the future of cm and your own one :)


  18. hey you all stop insulting is that a reward for a developer who brought u Almost every thing ..??
    Wanna blame on him ???
    Why you dont blame your slf frist??
    You all lazy (who insults our great devs)
    Why you dont move your A§§ And Make your self stable build??

    Did u Know what result of what u say ,?

    Think Agin Please
    u dont have to wait its verry simple _but new device

    And another thing that developers have their life

    he wasted alot of time without gaining any thing
    may i say useless thanks press on xda
    now he had to study he is in bad situations
    i live that experince now too Iam like him
    joined xda that year
    Wasted alot of time and now iam in the same situation
    we are underages we had to study hard to get to a good univrsty

    think if bieltv didnt catch it would you be pleased ?
    Would you like someone put himself in bad situation??for what ?? Only A Hoppy he iterrests ,, and now you really dissappoint him

    bieltv.3@you must do what u think its right ..
    And you also free
    no one could press u (force u )
    u frist live normally and forget being a dev
    And in ur free time u can tell the good people any thing new if u have

    my best regards

  19. Mester Biel teach us please mester
    You are the thunderbird mester and you need to pass your knownleage foward please

  20. Dude we need to make a petition to google offer you a job as dev cos you work very well to an underage

  21. just go for it biel we will wait no matter how long it'll take as long as theres a stable build for broadcom devices

    1. But why wait? if we can do, Biel have his life, and when he finish CM9 everybody gonna say CM10 CM10 CM10 CM10 CM10 and this will not have end, Biel gonna be stuck on this shit, no, Biel have his life, if you want kit kat, compile it dammit, i'm just asking him to teach us how to fix bugs, and then we do the rest!!

    2. Oh yeah by the way im porting cm10 on galaxy y based on cm9 by bieltv.3 so i wait for stable release :D

  22. biel luiz tiene razon enseñanos a reparar los errores de el audio en llamadas o la camara etc para hacer nosotros CM9.1 estable para el benefision de todos

    1. Si sabiera arreglarlos, ya los habia arreglado. No hay ninguna manera de enseñar lo que he aprendido en 3 años!

    2. Biel, i'm sorry... and, look you need to take your life foward, just think, ace have jus 190 RAM memory, we canot change this, and now we got moto E is very easy to take a new phone and burry Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830I, and thank you by stable CM7, thank you for almost stable CM9, you are awesome, but i think your life is most important then android.

    3. Biel el audio de llamada que ni se escucha cuando uno llama xfavor has que android 4.0.4 sea estable para galaxy young,ace o pocket
      Xfavor respondeme

    4. Biel animos yo se que tu saves mucho de android y nosotros somos unos novatos pero dale gracias a Dios xq te a dado esa mente y el proposito de hacer rom esa es tu vida biel el mundo android y sorprendenos yo se que tu puedes

    5. Esto podra sonar ridiculo, pero remplaze la aplicacion de la camara por la de kk, y ahora me anda sin problemas

    6. Pasanos el apk de kk q usaste para reemplazarla, yo intente con uno pero no funciono

    7. biel soy un desarrollador de el galaxy fame s6810L antes tenia un galaxy ace s5830m y amaba tus roms y portsy se que se siente que te presionen y se descontente si reconocer tu trabajo pero no veo porque ser soberbio y decir que no hay manera de enseñar algo que aprendiste en 3 años si tu lo aprendiste en ese tiempo con tu ayuda se aprenderia en un mes pero veo que tu soberbia puede mas, suerte y gracias por el buen trabajo

  23. Don't Bother the others I always RESPECT YOU.

  24. I greatly admire your work, and look forward for a very unstable CM9 and believe in its potential. Good luck Biel.

  25. Don't leave the project man...please, i'm visiting every day this blog for news and i'll wait but please...don't leave everything...i really want the CM9...if you're reading, thanx Biel :')

  26. Hiciste mucho por el Galaxy ACE y el Young, si, y hay que reconocerlo, pero ya deja de lloriquear, todos los desarrolladores tienen familia, y cosas que hacer, al momento de empezar a desarrollar ya debías esperar que otras personas te exigieran cosas que no podrías hacer.
    Quieres desarrollar, bien, hazlo y se te agradece por hacerlo. No quieres hacerlo, no lo hagas, aún se te agradece por lo que y haz hecho. Pero no hace falta que postees esto.

  27. hi bieltv.3
    after everything ... thanks for cm7 its nice and great works
    my father and mather and my friends install cm7 with you
    no one can deny it
    am very sad about it
    pls pls pls pls pls pls
    dont stop plz
    i waiting it 2 month
    take your time
    thanks again
    you great man ^_^

  28. Simply shut down this comment section. Just tweet about new developments.

    If you give everybody speech freedom they will come to bully you here.

  29. Fuck you bloody idiot.

    1. Sort your language out and come back when you have some respect for a developer who is giving you free things, in the end you are spoiling it for Bieltv.3 and everybody that supports him and everything he does for us.
      So again, your presence isn't wanted on this blog, so you know what GET A LIFE!!

  30. you must doing to say's we're hope you
    we thanks of Services but waiting for the good news the week
    You can quickly be finally this Story

  31. always with you, don't worry, live your life, development is an hobby ;) thank you for everythink, i believe in you :)

  32. marcussmith262617 May 2014 at 01:38

    If you get time you could write a thread on xda with full details on how to compile cm7/9 from your device tree - that way anyone who wants to take up work using all your sources will have a step by step guide on how to do it

  33. im pretty sure these people are trolls, they think it's funny at first, but when they make biel stop developing, they will see what they done, and it will affect a lot of good people, that had hope on getting ICS on this little device

  34. Mucho animo amigo...he tenido la oportunidad de cambiar de terminal pero no lo he hecho porque se que algun dia y con tus conociminetos podamos tener algo GRANDE en nuestros pequeñines....te animo a ello...sigue adelante y gracias desde lo mas profundo por TODO.....un abrazo desde la millor terrera del mon .....

  35. Братан не сдавайся делай так сколько и когда когда душа хочет а не по желанию троллейбус всяких кто хочет либо быстрее либо вобше не хочет новых релизов незацикливайся на тролях вообще не обращай внимания это трудоемкая работа и если кто не понимает это его проблема так что те кир верить в твои успехи в этом движении поддерживаем тебя и верим что все получится спасибо за все!!! Ты молодец!!!!
    Sorry i don't speak in English but i can say. Big thanks for all yours works the best i believe you keep going. Thanks

  36. Biel no te preocupes que no te vamos a insultar eres una persona que ha dado mucho por salvar un terminal que estaba prácticamente muerto asique no te preocupes tu lo estas intentando y eso es lo que cuenta tu trabaja en cm9 a tu ritmo porque deprisa y corriendo las cosas salen mal asique tu no te estreses ahora te voy a dar mi opinion prefiero que acabes cm7 y que luego te pongas con cm9 a que sigas con cm9 por lo menos para tener una cm estable. Muchas gracias por tu trabajo y dedicación tambien muchas gracias al resto del equipo de broadcomcm y animo

  37. this is my first comment to you , i appreciate your efforts and what you feel right now

    i think you should have a break as you can refresh ur mind !!

    thanks for your efforts and we are waiting you :)

  38. Biel, You are great......don't have words to describe what you have done for us and these bcm21553 devices.....

    Yeah.....that will be a good idea to leave development for a while and close this blog and tweet since you are no less than a celebrity now.....

    Don't take stress due to those stupid people....

  39. Biel Tomate El Tiempo Que Sea Necesario Para Un Buen Desarrollo En Cm9. EVERY THINK

  40. Como programador me atrevo a decir que te entiendo a pesar que no he compilado cosas como cm ni tengo idea de como hacerlo; veo ocasionalmente tu blog para saber si hay cosas nuevas acerca cm9 o cualquier otra cosa que nos quieras compartir, y en los comentarios del blog siempre hay idiotas intentando presionarte para que lleves a cabo un proceso agil como el ciclo de programacion extrema con entregas incrementales de software varias veces al dia o la semana, pero eso aplicará si tu fueses el creador de los telefonos que se verian beneficiados, pero no es así. Creo que haces bien en tu decision, me encantaría ver ics en mi young algún día pero eso no significa que vendre como muchos a tu blog o en xda a presionarte, eso es cosa de idiotas con poco sentido común; de todas formas independientemente de lo que decidas te deseo lo mejor, cuidate y exitos! :D

    1. Estoy de acuerdo contigo Edgardo. Esos idiotas que lo unico que hacen es insultar (me imagino que son unos niñatos que no saben de que se trata esto)
      Exitos a tu trabajo Bieltv3 eres sorprendente!!!! Gracias a ti me he animado a ser un desarrollador :) te admiramos :D

  41. Biel, Porfavor si tienes tiempo libre escribe una guia de como compilar CyanogenMod desde 0:

    Desde como crear los archivos de configuracion hasta como compilar.

    Asi todos podemos ayudar.


  42. biel keep it up
    and ignore the haters

  43. Biel, cuando acabes los examenes y la selectividad, retomarás el proyecto?

  44. Thanks biel . you are great . dont worry . Please reply to my message

  45. cm9 stable for galaxy y gt 5360 please!

    1. STFU please!

    2. eres un hijo de puto bielt ahora tengo un nexus 5 y me cago en sus depositivo de porqueria

    3. Y tu eres un peruano de no más de 15 años de piel morena que acaba de bajar del árbol hace dos días y no sabes ni escribir, analfabeto! vete al colegio a que te eduquen por favor!

    4. Chingas a tu madre pinche peruano de mierda vete a chingar atu madre con tu nexus 5 que cres que no podemos comprar un cel mas chingon que tu mierda del nexus 5 es porque queremos ver a nuestro young convertido en androi 4.04

  46. Biel is doing is job.....actually...hobby...and no shit has the right to force him...bro...we are with u carry on....

  47. Its funny how some other people agrees to this post then after that says: "Its okay, keep doing a good job on cm9" XD actually you dont need to apologize for anything, but doing so proves that you actually felt like its your duty to make an awesome rom stable for us .. so thank you for a job well done sir Bieltv.3 :) if you feel like quitting then its fine, you'll be a legend i'm sure of that haha

  48. Not all of us can speak Spanish!!!

    So pleasespeak English so we can all understand what are you trying to say
    If you don't understand English then try Google translate.

    1. sir, bieltv.3 speak english and spanish but sorry for that ;)

  49. If you don't know how to develop further without resources, then admit that. Don't show off on critics

  50. I hope Bieltv're okay, thanks for advancing both this project and for giving so many improvements to our terminal. Do not feel bad with annoying comments quantity of good looking people Supports you and gives us encouragement and each from a different country it your date time step wanted to ask and I hope you do not mind Cm9.1 seen to have patches of galaxy 5830 Sound and camera seems also had problems and solved quw not think they know like the patch might work for our terminal, I hope not all bother trying to help

  51. Will you make the sources public, so anyone can continue from where you left? Or if you're not leaving, for everyone to contribute?

  52. biel appreciated ur contribution... dnt worry abt wat ppl say.. i kno hw difficlt it was for u to get dat to stable and how frustrating also... u also hv ur own life.. live it. aftr all u also hv to study n do smthing in life.. it is nt ur fault dat broadcom devices are likr dat.. u hv always been one of da bst developers ever.. .. u also wrkd during ur exams.. ppl hv frgtn dat.. bt i ddnt.. u are very gud bielt.thnx a lot..

  53. No les hagas caso bieltv3 has hecho un gran trabajo hasta ahora ;) aqui esperaré y seguiré esperando tener cm9 estable en mi dispositivo salu2 desde Costa Rica pura vida!!

  54. Sorry, Biel, we didn't want to... It's up to you to do it or not. You started doing it for yourself and just shared with others. And now look what has it become to. And the thing os: humans' psychlogy. And a human understands that he will get the thing he has but better, and so he wants more. But not everyone in the world are of that kind, good people still are. Just sort people or something like that. Sorry again...

  55. Biel, espero respondas esto, pero.. ¿es posible tener el efecto crt sin tener cm?

  56. Sorry, I know I'm not a great developers but at least I know how great developers was. A great developers are people who gave his/her full concentrations to their work, never give up and never stop their project even other people trolls him/her. But if he/she already gave his/her full work and his/her project can't be done, he/she will tell the truth to the public, never lie or make people waiting for his/her fake project that never finish with all of her/his lie words. So, biel, if you stop with this project, you better tell us, don't make us waiting for your fail project. we all really appreciate all of your work for CM7 and CM9 beta 4. but if you gave up, tell us we promise won't bother you again, won't open this blog again. thank you

  57. Biel,I sincerely appreciate your work and I know you CAN finish the cm9 project...take your time, I believe in you Bieltv3! RESPECT!
    Y recuerda, no hagas caso a los que te insultan,son solo niños...

  58. You are the best. I own a galaxy ace and you made the perfect roms for that! You are awesome and I wish you the very best in your life. You did everything you could. I respect your choice if you stop being a dev, but please don't stop being the awesome person you are!!! Thanks again for your work, I hope you will read this.

  59. Biel you are very sensitive person, you shouldn't care some kind of comments because you are a great developer and everybody knows that, just do what you have to do, sometimes life get us busy and sometimes we can spend in the things we love (just ignore the trolls they are just a few)

    Good luck.

  60. Biel, por favor responde. veras, en una noticia tuya antigüa decias que harias un repo a android armv6 y que tendriamos soporte para cyanogenmod 10.x y once tal vez. Yo creo que si lo hicieses ya podriamos tener esos cyanogens y tu podrias seguir con tu vida.

  61. Biel, i see you working for the AOSP base team when you are of higher age ;).

    I can't do what you do, and that's what counts.

  62. Biel nós do Brasil estamos muito grato por estar tentando desenvolver a nova ROM com base nos drivers liberados da broadcom, estamos na espectativa da nova ROM, obrigado bieltv.

    1. Verdade! o/
      Biel tem feito um excelente trabalho em nossos humildes dispositivos, thanks Biel! :D

  63. Fan of your work19 May 2014 at 22:13

    Dear Sir,

    when I read your words, I realise that you are new to the internet and like to feed the trolls. What a miserable job, but if you'd like it - keep on feeding. I'm personaly very thankful for the good things you've accomplished and all the stability, you've brought to my phone thingy, but I cannot stand the way you whine and mimimi all over your blog. Grow some balls. Continue developping or stop it, but don't frighten everyone with your threats. Like the supervillain in a movie - just stop monologing and do whatever you have to.
    But stop makeing excuses and blaming other people for your actions.

  64. hay algo que sirva aquí? espero que te valla bien en tus proyectos, PD no hagas caso de los haters

  65. He has fixed many bugs in CM7 and CM9 but this time I think he is unable to fix the rest of the bugs in CM9 and to hide his failure he is blaming all the user of this ROM. His last two posts were full of drama. Ha!

  66. Анштроит сквивилоктумн

    1. Как ты на нашел этот блог?

  67. Vamos Biel ..
    Cuando puedas sigue trabajando con CM9!
    Que aquí seguiremos esperando y agradecidos x tu trabajo..
    A los que te insultan no les des importancia, ellos solo quieren llamar la atención
    Saludos desde Ecuador! Fuerzas!

  68. Calla mono de mierda..continua con tu trabajo biel e ignora a los homosexuales que te joden y envenenan el chico...saludps!!!

  69. Animo bielt mandalos a chingar a su madre tu sigue adelante que nada te de tenga no te rindas por pinches pendejos que nada mas te tienen envidia porque tu ya te has convertido en toda una leyenda del galaxy young el maestro no te rindas

  70. Hey Bieltv i have seeen ur work n irealy admire ur work,..the hardwork and dediacation u put on it...realy ur der r people wo dsnt undrstnd ur hardwork fr dem dis al is jst a piece of shit...n f*** dem... hey Bieltv dnt wry go on we all r wid u bro.......:-)

  71. Biel hello. Biel I want say you THAKS for port a ROM on our device. Biel how can I help you, I'm in 7 grade


  73. u have any idea how long her stay stable?

  74. thanks for the work biel...its nice to see that some one still developing cm 7 & cm9 for Galaxy y or so..
    can we get the new build of cm 7 with usb tether fixed??
    again thanks for everything for ur work

  75. front speaker.. help???

  76. Thanks for all. Biel. Founder of BroadcomCM, CM maker. If you stop development for BCM21553 devices, this you opinion. Good luck in life, Biel. And thanks for all.

  77. FM is working using 3rd party app

  78. I have always been struck by the work of developers, especially guys like you who do it without asking anything in return and do their best to improve the devices, if I'm honest I want to be like you, because development of Android I like, if I could help I would really, just do not have any knowledge of this and a little thing I can do, I currently have a Nexus 5, my old Ace Broadcom change it for Qualcomm and good with KitKat and going Pretty horrible without Google Apps 100 stable and% rom, leaves much to be desired but hey, I, I would wholeheartedly that you continue with BroadcomCM because if Samsung has done nothing for that device, you and your team if you do.

    Best regards. 97carmine

  79. Mi reaccion:


  80. Biel i apriciate your work, and it is so cool that ics is on our device. So ridiculous that other roms just change the stock rom's interface. But this is real 4.0.4. And guys, it's only my problem that when i'm watching yt or just local videos there is problem with colors (inverted or something like that, in my opinion that's not normal. Just keep ahead Biel take your time. And guys... try to wait some time. It will be good when it will be finished :D

  81. hola, biel i am happy that you have even chosen to support our device the gt-s5830i and appreciate it. I am happy being patient and waiting for you to develope it further, people just need to relise the time it takes and the effort you have already put in for cm9.1 on these old devices

  82. please admit that you don't know how to fix the bugs for the rom.. either fix them or just admit you can't, you're just making us excited for nothing..

    1. Just don't pressure him man, he's done a great job. He just has a life like you and me and everyone, and if he hasn't fixed the rest of the bugs on cm9 is because he have to live his life and do the other things that are even more important than this. Remember he's not receiving any money for this so this so it's not an obligation, he's doing this for hobby, let's not forget it.

      Gracias por todo el trabajo bieltv, tomate el tiempo que necesites y no hagas caso de los malos comentarios. Saludos desde Venezuela, gracias a ti mi teléfono se puso a valer jejeje :-)

    2. Yeeeeah? Come on, start doing what he does and I'll be looking at you! It's very hard to do what he has done. Fuck you, selfish.

    3. Детя, не рановато ли тебе материться?

    4. Shut up bitch do not touch my countryman

    5. im not saying he didnt do a great job.. im telling that it's either hes making us wait for nothing because he don't know how to fix the bugs,or he's not developing... it's better for him to admit if he cant finish CM9

    6. Vyacheslav, ты мне?

  83. stop this nuissance biel, we don't want your fucking rom. Enjoy your life and don't ever come up with these types of gimics. go to hell.

    1. marcussmith262623 May 2014 at 11:00

      If you dont want it why are you here?

      Dont worry you wont be getting anymore - enjoy

  84. biel. you gave us cm9 beta 3 and then a few days later you gave beta 4. i see you have life and it is hobby for you. not mandatory for you. but. by the way you gave promise and hope us for our device. i think you can give a stable cm9 to us in a month. dont mind people insulting you. they will be all time in your life and world, if you go on doing someting for people . thanks for every things.

  85. I noticed that biel work a lot with Xperia SP. I thought he was much "BUSIER" than this ??? he lied us ??????

  86. Kiddies, calm down. Do not need here to insult someone. Go to the street offend your friends, but not here! Biel, like many of us schoolboy, he must take the exam.. Eventually do ROM from zero is extremely difficult, it is surprising that we do have a 7 cm and 9 cm..
    Without Biel, we would have only cm 9 beta 2 by Percy, on which can hardly be called more than 5 working things.
    We should be grateful to all our developers, that we have almost fully working cm 7. On some device's other than deodex stock ROM do not have anything.
    An example of this Samsung Galaxy Ace 3, which is also on broadcom. They have at least some cm? No! Even on Nokia X there is cm, and Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 do not have cm!
    By the way cm on Nokia X worse than our 9 cm!
    Уважаемые недовольные школьники из России, я прошу Вас, не надо здесь выставлять себя и Россию быдлом, хотите таких ощущений - идите во двор и обзывайте/посылайте куда угодно своих друзей/одноклассников/соседий, но этот блог посещают нормальные люди, как Вас то сюда занесло?!

  87. love you work!
    when no one do somting you do, and its an amazing!

    thx u very much for all the night\days of hard work, thx u for still working after negative commands, and thx you for reply and helps!

    sorry for my eng

  88. Why cant you set the honeycomb to this device? BİELT?

    1. Why cant you cure the down syndrome? ANONYNOUS?

  89. 10 dias sin escribir muy bien campeon

  90. Goddamn ... biel you still have haters?! ... Haters gonna hate and don't care about these kiddies or retards. They always envy, because you've done a lot of really hard work for US ... Acei, Mini, Y and Gio users to make happy ^^. I don't have Acei anymore ... but i've Galaxy S3 I9300 Intl. and my device didn't get update to KK but Note2 of course get it because it have 2GB of RAM... so i was thinkig why Samsung fucked S3 users in the ass so hard, I know why ... They thinking we S3 users will buy new S5 models but we say to Samsung FUCK YOU!. When i saw thread on XDA wich Some members trying to launch N2 KK rom on our S3 Intl device i was thinking ... goddamn it's possible to run this shit with samsungs bloatware. BTW Samsung canceled KK update for S3 Intl. because this device can't run with Samsung bloatware-shit. Then JustArchi and other devs like Boeffla trying to make stable port and working kernel, but it's hard to do this without Samsung's sources. Then i remember the situation with Acei, mini and Y users when broadcom didn't relase sources to biuld CM7.2. I know i'm on little OT now, but i want to show you how hard is to port ROM Without sources!. So ... have a little RESPECT for Biel Please!. Biel i hope you will make more and more hard work with CM ROMs :). You are a real Developer :) ... to make something without nothing!. Hats off and good luck ;). P.S: Sorry for my grammar :P.


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