CM10.2 Android 4.3 for Galaxy Ace S5830

So, as promised, my work with Android 4.3 will begin soon. I decided to release the RC3 for Ace i users, and take a breake to move to android 4.3 which I'm really excited too to start. Here you can see, I'm downlading CM10.2 sources. Of course from Androidarmv6 organisation. Soon you will have more news about me ;) Take a look at the image:


  1. Biel you're my hero!

  2. CM 10.2 for Ace I too? :c Y)

    1. Nope, don't get confused, S5830

    2. I think CM9/10/10.1/10.2 can be only released when they finish work with CM7.2 because they will get more experience and informations about hardware (we still have problems with it). When drivers will be complete for our Ace-I all we can start to making next versions of CM/AOSP. We must be patient, they haven't us only. They have Ace, Ace-I,Gio, Mini, Fit, Y, Mini-I, and Pocket. Make it best @bieltv.3.

  3. Seriously you are crazy !!!!
    MY HERO !!!!!!!!

  4. when a cm9 for ace-i?

    1. LOL when CM7 gets finished!

    2. As Biel said, when CM7.2 get final version without bugs. It will take some time but they are making the best for our phone and more phones also (check downloads). And drivers for CM, they must be for CM (some functions in CM are hardware-specific. We will have CM7.2 thanks to Biel. Let's wait for next releases. Patience.

  5. Significa que de momento dejas aparcado el desarrollo de CM 7.2 para el S5830i?

    1. Ojalá no sea así.. Por cierto biel, no se si es fallo de mi terminal pero no me funciona ni el anclaje de red USB ni la zona Wifi portátil. Vamos, que no puedo compartir internet desde el teléfono a otro dispositivo, y tengo tu RC2 de cyanogenmod 7.2 en el Galaxy s5830i

    2. SIp, hasta que 4.3 sea estable para el ace normal, que teniendo 4.2.2 estable no costara mucho. Y sacare RC3 antes. Tengo que pulir aun algunas cosas.

  6. "take a breake"...... best developer breaking 5830i dreams :_(

    I appreciate your work anyway so good luck and happiness for 5830 users wich already have stable CM7.2 / 9 / 10 / 10.1 and soon also 10.2... (5830i/c/m not even 7.2)

    1. I'm not going to leave s5830i, but common guys, what I've been working over 5 months? On that device, and I think RC3 is as stable as to wait a little bit more for next release.

    2. Hey look on Maclaw Studio. They added support for Galaxy S3 Mini and users asked "You're leaving our Ace/Gio ?! Please don't!". Maclaw only moved focus on S3 Mini and moved to normal. Actually this page is regular for Ace/Gio/S3 Mini. Old devices are already in development. Don't think Biel will continue this project? He started this, and he end this. If he will leave, he will inform us first. Biel is good dev, and we must wish him all best. Not shotting on him for making something new to other device. Developer need big variety to work, and don't be bored. Many wishes Biel.

  7. This is great to see such a great development but maybe you should show some consideration towards the s5830i users who have only just received their own cyanogenmod and maybe you could treat them to a cm9. Anyway, you're a great dev and I really like everything that you do for ace

    1. Look on his github. Look on page. He still are doing the best for our Ace-I don't think? He need to maintain more projects, so we can stop him? Look on this from other side (only for example): You're a developer, and you have Ace S5830 (plain) which is yours. You still maintain something for this phone, and it's your daily phone for all. You decided to make something for S5830i and started new project. You will leave your Ace for Ace-I if this first phone is your and this second you've got only for development?. You see, this is normal. I think you now understand. Best wishes, and make the best Biel.

  8. En vez de desarrollar CM10.2 para los usuarios de s5830, que ya tienen Android 4.0.4 y 4.2.2, quizá deberías seguir desarrollando para los usuarios de s5830i, ya que solo tenemos Android 2.3.7 y soñamos con algo más, y sabemos que solo tu y tu equipo puede darnos algo grande, pero bueno, tampoco queremos obligar al único desarrollador que se ha preocupado por nuestro telefono, un desarrollador debe trabajar en aquello en lo que tiene ganas y le apetece. Así que muy buena suerte con CM10.2 para los s5830 y esperamos ansiosos la RC3 de CM7.2 los usuarios del Ace-i. Muchas gracias Biel, gran trabajo!

  9. if you have cm 7 and cm 9 finished for the ace i, can you then make the newest cm for the ace i? and remember... you are the best!

  10. the RC3 is not the last for 7.2 right? and, is possible, with the 7.2 libs compile an CM9 without many bugs as the 7.2? or we need to wait by the broadcom drivers to you begin with ICS?

  11. any advance with flash? :o thats a important bug for me =(

  12. Algun avance con el flash =( Eso es importante :/

    (Pensando en postear lo mismo en frances xd)

    1. Si no puedes flashearla puede ser.problema de tu terminal.. prueba a restaurar el telefono con una stock rom oficial y luego sigues los pasos que biel te da porque en ese aspecto la rom no tiene problemas... :D

  13. Hi Biel!
    When we see a fully working CM9 for 5830i ?
    When you begin working on Cm9 for 5830i ?

  14. Hi
    Your work is great
    Please for the 5830 model:
      After working on CM7.2 finished, to work on CM 10.2.
    (CM9 will not continue)
    Thank you.

    1. I'm sorry.
      I was 5830 i
      Your work is great
      Please for the 5830 i model: ( i )
      After working on CM7.2 finished, to work on CM 10.2.
      (CM9 will not continue)
      Thank you.

  15. oye bieltv cuando saldra la rom con android 4.3 que estas creando ya quiero probarla bro

  16. amigo quando sai a verdadeira rom 4.3 estou a espera da tua grande evolução no s5830

  17. Excelente! Estou no aguardo desta belíssima ROM!
    Atualmente estou usando sua ROM CM7.2 RC3
    Meu dispositivo - Galaxy Ace S5830-C


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