About some questions

Some users are asking me questions about the leaving of maclaw:

" hmm hey i saw a post in maclaw website and he wrote this is end means he is not releasing any other updaye jb like?? "

Right, Maclaw hasn't say many information about that, but what I search in XDA is that TheWhisp make a rom that maclaw has used and just compiled for our ace. He is leaving XDA for that, he isn't leaving maclaw.pl but I think for some comments of him that he is leaving android development.
In a coment of his blog I saw that:

So maybe he is saying that JB beta 2 will be his last release, hope it will not, that's the info I got
BTW, here there is a fantastic video that you can share it very where you can't whatch it (not mine) but maybe can help, hope it will help:

If you have any question post it on coments I will help you :)


  1. so maclaw is not making any other updates of cm9 and cm10 .....??? plz reply


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