CM9 released

So Daredj and Phtibu released his first CM9 rom, you can download at my page CM10 & CM9. Really stable, but camera isn't included becasue have some bugs, they are working HARD to solve it.

  • Deep sleep 100% working
  • Updated CM9 source
  • Wifi 100%
  • Bluetooth working 100%
  • Nims kernel compiled from source
  • GPS working use patchv4 of mardon in xda
  • No more reboots
  • Camera don't working
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  1. camera was working on original thread.. why they took it?

    1. because it was breaking deep sleep, and we're working on it.

    2. how can i fix gps location, it doesnt work mate..

    3. sorry, on cm10 jelly bean is not working, or where can i ask for help?

    4. Check out Mardon patch v4 in XDA

    5. hey man, still dont have nightly 14/10/2012 updates for our ace?

      and another thing, what can i do, some tweaks or something to do on build.prop to make better battery life? because, u know, is very poor, it last max. 4 hours, chatting, whatsapp, twitter, browser...nothing of games or youtube... any ideas?


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