OMX Libraires for CM10

Well, most of you know about the OMX libraries, that make HQ and video recording working on our devices (in ICS and JB), so the main person that create this libraries, ganster41, doesn't want to base this libraries to JB, he thinks is better ICS, so what is this project about? for the moment, me, RAshed97 and Erikcas will work in adapt this libraries to CM10 or JB.
Here is the link of our thread:
Hope we will get the HQ On CM10! :)


  1. So will u bring these omx libraries to ICS by daredj also??

    1. I've tried video recording in the latest CM9 RC2 and didn't work. Only camera (photos).

    2. Because ion CM9 video recording isn't working but HQ yes, there are diferent frameworks, and dificult to adapt each other

  2. what can i do to have better battery life?

    1. Download juice defender andset to aggresive mod, 2 days and a half without charg

  3. hey everyone, i have a question, when i install biel´s beta 3 rom, i intalled the google apps too but when i reboot there is no google search..did i do something wrong?

  4. i mean beta 2..sorry

  5. YOu must dektes CMWallpapers.apk, in beta 3 I won't add this, so you don't need to erase anything but in beta 2 you must delte it :)

    1. so this will make the google search appear?

    2. thank you very much for the info :D

  6. yeah please answer anonymous, and i have a question the battery of your rom as good as the new release from jellaxy? the last 05/11/12 ? because i want to flash your rom, is the best but i have that doubt of the battery..

  7. Replies
    1. thanks dude. btw your rom is great. keep up the good work.

  8. hey! Im having problems with GPS, can anyone help me out? please?

  9. hi,i hv tried cm9 RC2 and im having problem with bluetooth headset,
    sound z not playing through BT headset [media sound z enabled],
    only call sound are played through BT headset.
    is this a bug or is it just me??


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