Bluetooth Working!

Yeah! It has been long nights trying to fix Bluetooth and we finally did it!. I did not did everything, I did something, but the guys who helped me, they need this thanks to, and this are Percy-g2, Legolas93 and Spacecaker. They all contribute to this big fix.

This is the first BT working, so it is a bit unstable yet, but we can receive and send files (tested with images) to other devices. We can also, of course pair with them! So for basic funtions it is working. (Don't know if connecting a BT keyboard, or a Parrot on your car will work, but it is the first step!).

The BT fix will come with new ROM, RC1, which I don't going to give a time of arrival, but it won't be next week or the other, it really needs some fixes. Also, it will need my kernel v. 1.0 to work with.

Here there is the prove they are working!

Also, don't know if someone check one of my phrases 2 news ago: SOMETHING BIG IS COMING... I'm glad to tell this BIG THING, It is NOT the Bluetooth, there is other one, which you will love, not public yet due to his unstabilty... be patients...


  1. Something big is CM10? :o

  2. I hope you fix the google play error,games and more :P

  3. I think the Big thing would be Bug less CM 7.2 :)

  4. Hope this big thing will be the CyanogenMod 9 alpha 2 or beta 1 maybe :))))))

  5. Stop please! I'll broke the "THANKS" buttom!!! :D


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