CM 7.2 RC1 is out!

One of the other surprises is here, on the changelog, and releted to HW, so I think it is ready, here you go, RC1 is out! Here is the whole changelog:

  • Fixed HW 100% working
  • Fixed glitches on the screen, no more glitches ever!
  • Smooth HW than before, Broadcom test libs were a s***
  • We are not using Broadcom libs anymore
  • Used ALCATEL video encode / decode and HW libs
  • THANKS TO ALCATEL AND LEGOLAS93: video encoding and decoding fixed
  • Fixed bluetooth on my kernel
  • Fixed Bluetooth on the ROM too
  • Sending files and recieveing files are now working
  • Need to update to kernel v 1.0 #3 to work
  • Implemented this new fully work libs on new Build from source
  • Camera preview working
  • Taking pictures faster and better quality
  • Video recording fixed
  • Audio recording fixed
  • Camera app working as it should
  • USE_CAMERA_STUB set to true
  • Video playback working, we can now watch videos
  • Fix Audio on play videos
  • RE-built whole build.prop
  • Improved Network location
  • Fixed Signal bars (white/blue)
  • 3G and H working with signal bars too
  • Added new build.prop tweak, to disable rotate animation (Read Bugs)
  • Fixed Boot animation - Thanks to Prototype-U
  • FIxed random reboot caused by HW libs by broadcom, super-stable ROM
  • Stable release - RC1

You can download the ROM here: DOWNLOAD

READ the instructions carefully and see bugs! to not get a surprise then!
Thanks, Biel


  1. Seriously, you are THE BEST !
    You works on CM9, again ?

    PS: Sorry for my bad English :/

  2. HeLL yeah. Thanks for fullfilling every ACEi user's dreams. Hoping for your continuous support. A big Hug to you. U made my day! Love u. Minor bugs won't be much problem. Warm Regards,
    From India

  3. hey guy.
    your rom is great but it can't run games correctly.when I use chainfire3d games will work but without that games won't work.can you fix it?or can you show me a way to play games without cf3d?


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