EXT4 support for CM7 Specific Kernel

SO, thanks to kissingmylove ramdisk, which we will base our new ramdisk, we can have EXT4 support on our kernel, and after lots of tries, finally EXT4 booted up on my device! Speed of the device has been really improved, and you could take a look at media scanner, it really read the images much faster than before! Screenshoot of booting ext4...

Now on the device (thanks lopicl.00)


  1. Hey biel, sorry to be so curious xD but just to know the difference of times, how long does it take on RFS and on EXT4 to perform the media scanning?



    1. I've ext4 partition type on my S5830i so I can help you.

      On RFS my phone with 16GB SDCard unlagged from media scanner about 1.5 minutes.
      On EXT4 my phone with the same SDCard unlagged from MS about 30 seconds.

      I'm using RazoDroid v2.5 with Rafael.Baugis 2012 CWM5 kernel.

      PS: Sorry for my english.

    2. Ugh sorry. EXT4 is file system. Partition type on our phones is BML...

  2. Hey Biel. You are A WONDERFUL Person.

  3. what is ext4? it is the same in ext2?

    1. No, EXT4 is better FS than EXT2. It have more stable infrastructure and journaling (on our FS journaling is disabled, but who know what biel do with it?. It's faster, better, more stable, and... I don't know... :)

      PS: Sorry for my english.

    2. Thank you Devloz for your reply :)
      Biel does not answer the questions apparently :/

    3. I think Biel is this one who don't speak a lot instead making a lot. He is working on many projects for many devices (take a look in download) so he can also take a fresh air away from keyboard (AFK - standard word in many games).

  4. so did u fixed those hardware related issues ur phone had ( ril, sim) ? and what are the progress in cm 9? rply plz

    1. CM9.1 stay away, and I think it will be continued after releasing stable Final 1 version of CM7.2.

  5. Cool bro you're Amazing developer!!!


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