Fix for Flashlight, welcome again SpaceApps!

So, when media scanner was not working on our devices, spacecaker, thanks to 3rd party apps, modded a few of them to adapt to CM7 icons, layout and theme. This time, we got media scanner working and encoder and decoder working, SpaceApps wasn't downloaded anymore. One of the most importnat bugs CM7 (for cooperve) has, is the Flash light not working on stock CM7 camera app. This is a weird issue, because we defined a good path on framework, but still CM7 can not found the value of the torch, and always start app with flashmode requested is OFF.

WHat we found is an app, MIUI camera app, that flash works, what we don't really know is that MIUI camera app is based on AOSP camera app, which falsh is not working! So it's pretty weird. Kernel is okey, because torch app can work without any problems.

Preview is not showing on screenshoot, but works

This app is pretty nice, and works without any problems, only bug is flash while recording, but now pictures can be taken with flash working.

All right, to install this patch here are INSTRUCTIONS:
  • Go to Recovery (CWM)
  • Mount system
  • Install zip from SD card
  • Install FIX and rebot
Here is to downland the fix: CLICK HERE

This post will become old on the blog, so if anyone need it, you could found on the XDA thread of CM7 for Cooperve, 3rd post :)

Have a nice shooting ;)


  1. wow!! great biel!!

    1. Biel encontré esta solicitud en uno de los últimos comentarios del foro yo tengo una cuenta en por que en ocasiones hay buenas causas y esta es una de ellas y YO FIRME, podrías ayudar a que este enlace sea visible para todos en el foro y ademas en los otros grupos de desarrolladores como AndroidarmV6, es un intento que no podemos dejar pasar ademas sabemos que antes fuimos escuchados por uno de los ingenieros de Broadcom Nick Lambourne and David's)(broadcom)-open-dialogue-with-broadcom/, solo que esa vez el dialogo abierto se lleno de spamers y noobsters preguntando por ETAs.
      Está vez si se puede Biel

  2. I install the patch, as you now runs the flash of the camera, but what I do not like is that the app is in English and I speak Spanish although some English, but the app would be genius was in Spanish

    1. Yo tambien soy español, antes de actualizarla a español quiero intentar arreglar la official de CM

  3. Esta bueno el Fix biel, Gracias por tu excelente trabajo. increíble que funcione el flash pero esta app de camara no es muy buena, he encontrado una q funciona mejor es la Camera FV-5.apk

  4. Nice temporary app. We still can decompile it and search, but it will be long and hard. Is it possible our driver have different instruction like MIUI? We know how to enable flashlight, why we can't add the same function in source? I don't know much about writing, but who know what is there? Function like camera, cameraf or cflash? All apps use one, camera uses second or third (in theory of course). Anyone who know will try to search.

  5. Thanks Biel.
    Teşekkürker Biel.
    Şukran lek Biel.
    Danke Biel.

  6. I asked some time ago but u said that it won't work! :P ahahahhaha

  7. hay un forma para tener el flash cuando estas grabando, lo que tienes que hacer es apretar la pantalla cuando estas en la camara hasta que prenda el flash y despues cambian a la camara de video y el flash sigue prendido... ojala que les funcione

  8. I have so many crashes my card sd (losings in menu applications(need put again card or restart phone) or card show 0.0gb memory. why this happens?

  9. Quality sounds in rc4 is low (only one headphone working in high volume) google play 492 error FIIX this

  10. buen trabajo, aunque igual la app tiene bastantes fallos todavia, pero ahora tiene flash :D

  11. Amigos, si llegamos a la cifra de 6.000, liberan los drivers, aqui está la página web / Friends, if we reach the figure of 6000, free drivers, here is the website


  12. Cm9 veya 10 bekliyoruz senden Biel :)

  13. Biel Please, publish a post with this on xda And here. :)

  14. Hey hi biel can you tell us on which project currently you are working

  15. thanks a bunch Biel!
    this is now my rom of choice due to its stability and great speed!
    nonetheless, it would be epic to have more governors to choose from so battery life could be increased...

    1. try thunderkernel 2.0 for this rom

  16. hola y gracias la rom es muy veloz ya haora se soluciono el problema del flash exelente trabajo funciona en mi galaxy ace version m sigue sin funcionar juegos hd busqueda por voz y la radio.....ayuda con eso soy de ecuador

  17. thx for the suggestion. thunderkernel 2.0 is working marvelously with my CM 7.2!


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