Some progress regarding audio

So, as you may have tested, drivers on CyanogenMod 9.1, or Android 4.0.4 are quite stable enough. The only thing that don't really like users (I know, I was a user too) is the audio (yeah, you can live without camera - 3rd party apps can work). So as said on the title, some progress have been made!

Although progress does not affect at the moment CyanogenMod 9.1, it does on CyanogenMod 7.2 (Remember is the base of CM9). We have finally get the audio to work on android 2.3.7 without using prebuilt shi** Samsung and Alcatel Audio Libs. At the moment though, we are experiencing audio issues, such as audio rotate (headphones not working and more...).

We have managed to build the following libs complelty from source, and as a consequence, eliminate all vendor libs:
  • libaudio
  • libaudiopolicy
  • libaudioflinguer
  • libasound
  • liba2dp
  • hw/alsa.default
  • hw/acoustics.default
Although this seems not to help android 4.0.4, it does, and alot. If we have audio source, we can then try to port them to 4.0.4. So we should fix source first on 2.3.7 and then move on to 4.0.4.

Any ETA? I can't tell you, maybe tomorow is fixed, maybe in 3 months, no one knows, and there is a lot of code to work on. Also new CM9 kernel coming soon to optimize ICS better than using an "old" kernel.

See you guys soon! Just returned from my school holidays, they were great ;)


  1. el "Quiza mañana" suena muy bien para mi xD

  2. wen is beta 3 goin to release

  3. It's very cool!
    I'm waiting for Beta 3

  4. Well, you said that a new kernel is commin' to make ICS even better optimised !? Wow, i already think he is greatly optimised, what you gonna optimise more ? lol.

    Great news for the audio, i just hope that is gonna be fixed soon as well as the USB Mass Storage, for now we must mount it by your CWM to get it workin'

    So yeah, i'll stay tuned ! :D

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. beyler cm9 u türkiyede denemeyin imei gidiyor :D çaresini bilmiyorsanız kalkışmayın yani..
      ben denedim çok güzel bir çalışma trebuchet launcher biraz kasıntı ama sonuçta armv7 den portlandığını düşünüyorum ondan olabilir. onun dışında arayüzü hiç bu kadar hızlı görmemiştim. 480p değil de kamera açılsın yeter ya :D

  6. @Biel: Thanks a lot for your work, yeah, first CM7 and then CM9 is the way to go :)

    @Thomas Dangest: there is always something that can be improved, and talking about Kernels even more: performance, freqs, voltages, io, schedulers, support of new features, etc, etc...

  7. Entonces solo es cuestion de tiempo para ya tener una nueva version de CM9 .

    Gracias, Biel

  8. can u make the drawer animation smooth like the old galaxy ace ?

  9. Bieltv.3 .. You (and the others that are helping to develop cm9 for sgy) are truly awesome!! I wanna be like you guys someday :D but for now i am merely a flasher… >u< keep up the good work! :)


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