Removed links

As many of you guys asked me to put links in my blog, as most of you can't donate to me, I add them. I was warned on XDA once, and I had to remove all my blog links from XDA developers.
Now that our CM9 is becoming so much "famous" moderators are warning me again, so I decided to delete them. I don't want to fight against XDA, they are nice, and I'll keep using XDA portal. I'll put links on fb groups, twitter or such, but not on my blog.
Moderators told me that if my blog contains links to download my work, my blog can't be linked to XDA... So I shall delete them :/

About developing: Still  making CM9 a bit more usable for some users... ALthough I'll tell you that microphone and front speakers are still not working.


  1. (Still making CM9 a bit more usable for some users) some details here please biel

    1. I think he'll post some details when he'll think that it's ready.

  2. hy biel , can you make a TW theme for cm9 ?

    1. In market has TW theme..

    2. Or you can port a TW CM9 ROM, for example Touchwiz-Revolutionized...

  3. cuando la subas la rom que tal si lo subes a tu canal de youtube y desde nos das el enlace para poder descargar seria otra alternativa ...y felicidades y para delante con este buen trabajo biel

  4. use ubuntu.right? 14.04 release try it.its awesome

    1. I'm suggesting the same thing, even our kernel is compiling faster (more CPU and RAM resources are free than in 13.10?) and It's called "Fastest Ubuntu in LTS history" lol :)

  5. Biel if you release the update for beta 3 and rename it beta 3.1 inside that update have fix minor and some major bugs good luck for fixing and for your exam

  6. blackaxeV1.222517 April 2014 at 17:04

    Biel please port the samsung FM radio

  7. Ads would be a possibility.

  8. biel the rom is not smooth can u make it better not complaining but being a great admirer of ur work want to ask and thanks for a stable cm9 dude

  9. marcussmith262618 April 2014 at 00:27

    doesnt happen with me - check you can mount data in cwm
    if you cant or you cant work out what is wrong flash stock rom via odin and try the install process again
    you could also try changing basebands (flashing a different stock rom firmware)

  10. It seems like baseband issue, because it happens with me also.
    But it only happens if I have 5+ apps. If less that 5 apps then no hot reboot.

    I tried on my friend's phone (different baseband) this doesn't happen.

  11. Thanks a lot for your contribution biel...just too excited ..can't wait to get fully working Cm 9 on our ace-i:D

  12. Very good work on CM 9.1 biel. It is nice to support you at least with and I'll keep using it :)


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