More BroadcomCM job

BroadcomCM repositories has been updated to match last configs made on androidarmv6, but all of them ported to CyanogenMod 9.1, the ROM we will maintain at the moment. Nice results though, as we know are building the common kernel with it and using CWM6 instead built from source. We are still solving some issues, and psyke83 is really helping me on debugging those little errors. This CM9 is going to be legendary.

CM11 is not yet ready for a release, is too much alpha, although that, CM9 is much stabler than before with new v3d drivers and new device tree, with a completly re-newed kernel from scratch! Now last step, make boot it ;)

Remember to checkout all work done:


  1. Grande trabalho vocês estão fazendo, el mago biel

  2. La mejor noticia del dia!! sigan asi Biel, me tienes asombrado a mi y a mis compañeros de clase con su gran trabajo

  3. ¡¡Dios mio!! ¡No puedo esperar a que salga la nueva version de CM9!, grande bieltv3, nos alegras la vida a muchos :-), felicitaciones por todo el trabajo

  4. So, CM9 will receive its RC5 soon? :D
    Amazing job you, BCM and Armv6 are doing =)
    About the performance, it's better than GB 2.3.6, the same?

    1. Are you talking about cm7?
      It wasn't mentioned in the post but I think it'll release soon too! :)

    2. Oh.. damn I said shit...
      I was talking about a Beta 5 of CM9.1...

  5. Estas dos semanas solo mnos trajeron buenas noticias :D eres grande Biel, cada diá entro por lo menos 3 veces en tu blog a ver qué hay de nuevo, y no me arrepiento nada :) una pregunta Biel, ¿ya terminaste tus exámenes? como estás publicando mucho últimamente jaja, opjalá llegue pronto la próxima cm9 :)

  6. nos darias un dia de lanzamiento de la nueva beta?

  7. can't wait for cm9.1 stable release.. can we try???

  8. thanks bro thank you alot for our shitty phones!!

  9. Very pleased to hear this news!!! You are super!!!!!!

  10. Im so exited! For the CM9 ! thanks for your big efforts bieltv3^_^

  11. I hope audio and camera will be fixed in next build, that's what we're actually waiting for..
    Good news though..

  12. Microphone and audio have been fixed on CM11 by psyke83 so now can it also be fixed on CM9.1?


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