Busy with personal stuff, but realted to android!

Well, these days my activity here was not as often as it was. That's because I am at the moment, and I will be for the next two weeks a but busy the whole day. An entreprise for Barcelona watched my work at github, and they reached an agreement with my school to develop its android application. This is part of my school formation, but I should be proud of it, as they wathced all my work made for all devices on github, and they realise I could do that.

Here there is an image of one of the awsome roms I work on:

So, that is taking mostly all day, and when I get home, I haven't any desire to develop again android, just want to disconnect a bit. So sorry, but I will be a bit out of android development.

The entreprise I'm working on is called DEXMA TECH, and here is their website: http://www.dexmatech.com/

Quick update though, CM9 is, YES, getting even more stable, and alse, we have some surpirses for CM7, but still need to polish them.


  1. Well that's nice :)
    My favorite sentence of this post was the last one xD
    Anyway, good luck with your DEXMA TECH thing..

  2. Oye si vives en Barcelona has de saber Español xD!! thank you fo performace this projects, i've a galaxy y (totoro) so i need a full the ice cream sandwich cm9 stable

  3. ¡¡Que bien felicitaciones!! Mucho éxito en ese trabajo y ojala sirva de impulso para que sigas trabajando en el desarrollo de cosas relacionadas con android. Esperemos que pronto nos traigas muy buenas noticias de cm9 y cm7, saludos

  4. Too long to wait! release cm9 come on.......................

  5. What an achievement to have, Well Done you deserve everything that you get and now you are being recognised away from are smallish community on the blog. GOOD LUCK! :-)

  6. Felicidades amigo...Por favor no nos olvides ...esperando con ansias tus proyectos...mi young pide cambios xddd...un saludo...

  7. hey biel if the CM11 will google account, as in your cm9? In the previous version of the CM11 can not recall which could use the SIM card, now I can not: (
    Please, clean up is
    P. S. I am glad that the camera (not really) works :)

  8. bro when will you release 9???!! im bored of my stock!! cant wait!!

    1. 28th Nov 2026 - Is that ok for you

    2. then just delete http://bieltv3.blogspot.com, make the virtual world just gross!!

  9. hey Mr. Marcus Fucking Faggot Smith! is that ok for you too?!

    1. You can call me what you like behind your computer if it makes you feel like a big man :)

    2. no bro im not that bad but i dont care who you are if youll be nice to me ill be nice to you! simple as that! :-)

  10. Hola Biel, Tengo un Samsung Ace 5830M y le habia instalado una ROM que no me acuerdo cual era y despues de unos meses ahora el celular se reinicia y aparece una pantalla Roja, ya he intentado restaurar con Odin pero no hay caso.

    Que puede haber pasado y tiene solucion?



    Biel Hi, I have a Samsung Ace 5830M and I had installed a ROM that I can not remember which was after a few months and now the phone restarts and a red screen appears, I've tried to restore with Odin but no case.

    That may have happened and has a solution?

    Thank you

  11. el jig es para que entre en modo download ? pprque si puedo poner el cel en ese modo y me toma la rom stock pero cdo reinicia es como que no toma los cambios y vuelve hacer la misma falla.

    Y lo que no me deja hacer es entrar al donde esta para hacer los wipe ese menu directamente no lo habre.

    Que puedo hacer ?

    1. Creo que es un error grave, es como la pantalla azul en Windows, no te fíes de mi ya que no sé si lo que digo es correcto. Saludos.

  12. Gracias Ramón y Jesús.

    Alguien que me pueda echar una mano con este problema de pantalla roja !!!

  13. como quiesiera trabajar ahi contigo cual es el programa que usas para hacer esas roms


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