CM7 is being updated

Well, after the big release of CM9 we haven't forgot about our stable gingerbread release. We are working hard, as we are again basing it from new CM9 sources. This can have a bit of work and very big changes will be included, starting for a brand new CM7 kernel.
Well that was a big of news, I'm a bit bussy during this week it will come :P


  1. yes, cm7 update. i wish there is no more glitch.
    and for cm9, i wish in next update, animations (off screen and window animation) as smooth as beta 4
    thank you for your hard work

  2. gj, i will install cm7 after stable cm11

  3. Please support galaxy haven't made any build for this device...

  4. I just want a stable release of either version. CM7 ROMS have given me big issues. Play Store errors, etc...

  5. jajajajaj oh amigo biel :3 eres el mejor junto a tus grupos de amigos y compañeros de trabajos ;) sigue asi mi ace M te esta muy agradecido! gracia eres genial :D cuidate mucho ;) esperare con ansias prontas actualizacion de cualquiera (Cm7, Cm9 y Cm11) que la cyanogenmod es super - jejeje gracias por todo ;)

  6. Stop cm7 and concentrate only on CM9 as we want it bugless. Thanks for your hard work.

    1. Do you have any sense how u r commanding?? Plzz be polite!!

  7. CM7 , Hope it will have soon the Rotation Animation and CRT and all that kind of things :D

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Where did you find this?? I searched for biel's recent pozt on xda but couldn't find

    2. ömer bu bilgiyi nerden buldun solermisin?

  9. Hehehe I think better than the 7.2 there will be only 7.2 remodeled.
    Work the bluetooth connection with car speakerphone?

    1. but man next release will be more fast and with rotation animation
      tnx to biel

  10. Oh I sold my galaxy ace last saturday :-( but good luck to everyone who stills using this phone, I'll be visiting the page just for info purposes :-)

  11. nos dejes abandonados....por lo menos una 7.2 estable....muchas gracias por todo de nuevo y perdón por mi pesadez.!!!

  12. ansioso pela cm7 estavel desde ja agradeço obrigado equipe broadcom

  13. Les recomiendo que vendan su dispositivo

    1. ¿Para no probar ICS al total en este dispositvo? jamas!

  14. hi..bielt. when the good news of CM9 and CM7 ???

  15. bieltv 3 bro before cm7 u must fix audio routing in cm9
    . other bugs are not important .

    u can fix audio in 3-4 days .


    no need to cm7

    we all need to cm9 bugless

  16. waiting for audio routing fix in CM9. do not need another

  17. No quiero sonar presionante, pero si esto no se puede establecer sera mejor que nos des un aviso y lo dejes asi, aun asi es un gran trabajo el que han hecho

  18. para todos los que piden actualizaciones de cm7 o cm9 dejenme decirles que bielt esta de vacaciones por el extranjero por aquel motivo no hay actualizaciones por ahora

  19. Bieltv where the release is stable CM7?

  20. Hello Bieltv! I just wanted to ask, are you working on this? I really hope for stable CM 9 and CM 11 for our devices! Wish you the best luck!

  21. Me aparece Registration Failed cuando intento registrarme para actualizaciones via OTA en CM7 en mi galaxy Ace S5830M ayuda

  22. Biel, it doesn't take much, to respond us in comments! Please say something! :)

  23. Ice Bucket Challange :D

  24. biel I have a par of questions for u what is the best rom at the moment for the coperve s5830 m i c? or which rom can u recomend for a dayly basis until u finish with this project cm7 because of course this will be the best rom but until its release as stable rom with everything working fine..

  25. For the whole team broadcomCM, please! do not leave this great project! I changed to another device but I really want to see this ACE 5830m (my first device) running CM9, CM10 or CM11 if you can make it happen, I know many friends who still have these small devices, and many others who still use it , so please no matter how long it takes 6 months or more to make it possible! long live to broadcomCM!


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