Temporary CWM 6 released for three devices

Based on CM9 sources, I've built a CWM temporary for the easier flashing of CM11 Roms, or 4.X Roms. This is based on last CM9 sources of ICS. You can use it on all three devices, so DOWNLOAD HERE.

NOTE: If you are having Status 7 error while flashing, remove the first three lines of the update-script. Update script can be found on ROm zip, meta-inf folder!


  1. make port for galaxy pocket

    1. posting make port for galaxy pocket at every opportunity will not make it happen any faster
      You cant make a port without a base rom - there is no base rom for pocket because its never been made for it - You will have to adapt all the source codes and build a kernel and rom from source - if you want it all the sources are available - have fun - or - you can just wait for someone else to do it but it do that quietly - no one wants to see constant do this and do that demands from you

  2. help me, error status 7 ;(

  3. I ask why port because I do not have at hand the device and the PC as well and I have to ask about the port, yes I can and collect vyazt fully source for BCM21553 but I already said that I do not have a PC.

  4. I'm still having the error status 7... after that :(

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Can you install it? Can you please write step to step, how? I can't

  7. can someone send a link with a working file ?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. dude, i suggest you not to flash this rom.
      i used notepad++ to remove these lines, it didn't work, i googled how to fix, and i found a fix saying that using unix format and changing encoding wouuld help this, well it didnt help me
      if you manage to fix this, please share this with everyone, because currently i tried everything to run kitkat tonight and i couldnt, im now unbricking my ace with odin.

    2. Probably editing build.prop of the stock rom to change all device names to totoro

    3. oh you got a totoro lol
      i got a cooperve
      i guess different devices same problems

    4. The simple solution other than flashing the tempory cwm 6 zip is just take any kernel for your phone that you have previously used - for example the cm7 kernel - now use winrar extract the boot.img from the cm11 rom zip - replace the boot.img from the kernel zip for your phone with the one from the cm11 rom zip

      This will get you to the cwm6 part

      Now if you get status 7 flashing the rom zip you have two choice

      1 - remove the line in the rom updater script that starts assert(getprop("ro.product.device") and ends getprop("ro.product.device") + "\"."););

      2 - flash cm7 first - this will give you the correct build prop that the updater script is looking for with the correct device id

  9. Amigos, ayudenme que en realidad ya no entiendo nada, vi un video en YT de como instalar CM11 pero en el decia que se necesitaba el cwm6, un kernel, y obviamente cm11, decia que iba al 50% en estabilidad, pero decia que no era recomendable instalarla por que al querer volver a la stock rom habia muchas probabilidades de que te diera el boot-loop, y ese es mi gran miedo
    Y bueno, tambien lei el post de psyke83, pero no entendi nada nada, asi que esperon puedan ayudarme, no soy desarrollador ni nada de eso, solo soy un noob y gran admirador de estos grandes!

  10. Bielt, your solution doesnt work...so I cant enjoy KK on my pone :(

  11. Bieeel vendí mi Ace el lunes pasado y ahora me vienes con que hay cm11 :'( menuda suerte la mía... Espero sigas adelante con este proyecto Biel, aunque no enga más el Ace voy a seguir pendiente de tu Blog para más noticias, sigan delante chicos!

  12. Para los que tengan el problema que les aparece el error 7 o incluso si borran las 3 primeras lineas del sript y les aparece el error 6 tengo la solucion desde odin flashean esto en la casilla de PDA https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BzmTivDo1WcYTmp1N0hibG9UMTg/edit?pli=1
    es el cwm recovery 6 y cuando termine el proceso les va a reiniciar en el recovery ahora solo flashean y listo a mi me funcionó

  13. Fix for status 7

    Go to rom's zip get boot.img

    Extrakt bieltv's kernel then replace the boot.img with the one u got from rom's zip

    Then flash new kernel

    Reboot to recovery then flash

    1. And yup without removing any Lines ;)

    2. worked but couldnt install gapps on cooperve
      said that aborted and status

    3. gapps for cm11 - http://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23329332407579610

  14. The kernel that i have to do it is the same that i use to flash the cm7?

  15. im in the cm11 - phone not starting with the sim card
    wasnt put in the bug list.

  16. I give up trying, I lost a whole hour trying every kind of fix, and I keep receiving this Error 7

    1. fixed it, look this
      Fix for status 7

      Go to rom's zip get boot.img

      Extrakt bieltv's kernel then replace the boot.img with the one u got from rom's zip

      Then flash new kernel

      Reboot to recovery then flash

    2. Bieltv's Kernel, the "kernel_CM7_v4.0_totoro.zip" ??

    3. yeah if you are using a totoro device. your cwm will look different but it will work in the end
      im running cm11 right now, its laggy unusable and cant boot with my sim card but its running :D
      and btw u dont need to edit any lines so just redownload the thing and you will be set to go!

    4. What is the kernel I have to use for galaxy ace? please reply

    5. the s5830i one..
      and follow the instructions if you really want to get cm11.. not recommended tho you might be disapointed

    6. ok thanks :) I already have that file

  17. first thing to do before booting the cm11 on cooperve - remove sim card, your phone will reboot non stop with sim card

    1. Dont need to do that - if you get bootlop with the sim in then you are using a really old baseband - update your baseband by flashing a new stock rom firmware via odin

    2. .. you mean the newest baseband that i got from samsung

  18. Is working on my galaxy I but i cant receive calls.. i can make call but not receive why?

  19. The headphones don´t work too.. but the other thinks are working fine.. But I need Receive calls... Backing to stock :/

  20. Calls dont work same the other rom?

  21. someone do a video installation please


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